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Bell-Ringer Ad Hoc Structure: Advantage & Disadvantage

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Presentation on theme: "Bell-Ringer Ad Hoc Structure: Advantage & Disadvantage"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell-Ringer Ad Hoc Structure: Advantage & Disadvantage Pyramid Structure: Advantage & Disadvantage Circular Structure: Advantage & Disadvantage Page

2 List the names of the different Cabinets?
Bell-Ringer List the names of the different Cabinets?

3 Bell-Ringer List and explain the THREE ways a president can say “NO” Veto Executive Privilege Impoundment of Funds

4 Bell-Ringer What is judicial review, and since 1789 how many federal laws have been judged unconstitutional? (438) Explain the difference between a strict-constructionist approach and an activist approach used by judges when interpreting the Constitution. (439)

NATIONAL SUPREMACY & SLAVERY Supreme Court Case 1: McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) What was McCulloch v. Maryland about? (pages 55-56) What was the Supreme Court’s decision in McCulloch v. Maryland ? (page 441) Did the decision support national supremacy or state’s rights and why? Supreme Court case 2: Dred Scott v. Sanford, (1857) What was this case about? (page 442) What was the Court’s decision? (442) Did the decision promote National Supremacy or States Rights and Why? (442)

6 Bell-Ringer 4-3-09 Structure of the Federal Courts (446)
What is a constitutional court? What are the two most important of the constitutional courts & Define them What is a legislative court?

7 Bell-Ringer 4-13-09 What shapes court decisions other than ideology?
Do Supreme Court Justices always act the way the president wants? Give an example to back up your opinion. Pages

8 Bell-Ringer Explain the legal basis for the federal court’s jurisdiction over cases. Explain the different kinds of cases that can be heard by the federal court. ( )

9 Bell-Ringer 4-17-09 What is writ of certiorari?
Give the two reasons why the Supreme Court may grant a “cert”. Page 450

10 Bell-Ringer Explain the concept of “standing” in terms of bringing a case to court. List the THREE complex and changing set of rules that govern “standings”. Page 452

11 Bell-Ringer 4-21-09 What is sovereign immunity?
What is a class-action suit? How long is the Supreme Court in session? (454) Can use your Power Point or

12 Bell-Ringer 4-24-09 What is per curiam opinion mean?
Explain the three kind of U.S. Supreme Court opinions. Opinion of the Court Concurring Opinion Dissenting Opinion

13 Bell-Ringer 4-27-09 What do those who support judicial activism say?
What do the “critics of judicial activism” say”? Page 459 or use your power point

14 Bell-Ringer 4-29-09 Complete Vocabulary sheet by end of class.
All words can be found in the gold boxes. Will be stamped at end of class

15 Bell-Ringer 4-30-09 What does deficit mean?
What does national debt mean? Why doesn’t the federal government ever declare bankruptcy? What are the TWO ways our government can reduce our total national debt? Pages:

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