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Welcome to Upward Training Introduce yourself to those at your table

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Upward Training Introduce yourself to those at your table"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Upward Training Introduce yourself to those at your table
Grab a cookie and some water and please find your seat - basketball teams seated by divisions Introduce yourself to those at your table If your name tag says “picture”, go to back of room to get Upward ID picture taken

2 2018 Highlands Community Church Upward Referee, Basketball
and Cheerleading Coach Training

3 Welcome and Intro’s

4 Highlands Community Church Children’s and Student Ministries
“Helping People Find and Follow Jesus” Elementary Ministries (1-6th grade) - KidsQuest Weekend Services - Awana - Upward Basketball and Cheerleading - Elementary Summer Camp - Special Events Upward is an outreach ministry – parents invited friends – trusting you!

5 Seven C’s of Ministry Excellence
Calling - personal relationship with Christ Character - nothing would discredit Christ’s name Community - no ministry is separate from others Communication - alignment with the mission Compassion - intentionally connecting with families Courage - step out of your comfort zone Commitment – consistent; raise the bar Strive for excellence - God deserves the best! How is serving in Upward helping you grow in Your relationship with Christ?

6 Highlands Community Church Children’s and Student Ministries
Pastor Derek Nelson – Next Generation Pastor Jennica Osborne – Elementary Ministries Director Mission, values, goals Statement of faith Expectations Policies and procedures - Two person integrity - Safe interactions - Extra curricular events - Confidentiality

7 - First Aid and Emergency Procedures Player-specific items from parents First aid kits Depending on severity, call AED Injury reports Concussion management Evacuation - Discipline – boundaries; time-outs - Participation records – practices, games - Facilities classrooms, FLC etiquette, gym, equipment

8 Jesus Matters Mission Matters Strategy Matters Excellence Matters
People Matter God uses your ministry to minster to you along the way. The outcome is God's responsibility, the obedience part is mine.

9 “To promote the discovery of Jesus through sports.”
Upward mission is… “To promote the discovery of Jesus through sports.”

10 What does a successful season look like ?
Upward Values What does a successful season look like ? First class – detailed - organized

11 2018 Calendar Jan 7 - Coach and Referee Training
Prayer Partner and Host Family Kick-off Jan First Practices Jan Jamboree Jan 26/ First games Feb Picture Day; basketball roster orders locked Feb Coaches Training for Gospel Week Devotions Mar 2/ Teacher Appreciation Game Day Mar 9/ Prayer Partner Appreciation Game Day Mar 16/ Last games; individual team celebrations Mar All League Celebration- David Laflin

12 2018 Season - - Upward is an outreach ministry - 350+ children
- Multiple churches serving – 100+ team members - Both sport and ministry excellence - Coaches “all-division” focus - Updated basketball rules - Host families - Multiple Prayer Partners for all teams - Awards event in community - The end is not the end

13 Serving in Upward Coaches & Referees are key to fulfilling the Upward mission. The success of an Upward coach is characterized by: 1) how he or she conveys Christ in actions and attitude on and off the court, and 2) how well he or she teaches and encourages within the sport of basketball and cheerleading. Success is not based on wins and losses.

14 The 360 Coach As an Upward coach, you have the important responsibility of developing your young athletes in their personal growth mentally, athletically, spiritually and socially. This unique approach is called the 360 Progression™ and is based on Luke 2:52 – “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.”

15 The 360 Coach Mentally – Making Wise Decisions
By learning the rules of their sport, young athletes are able to make wise decisions on the court and sidelines. A 360 Coach knows how to teach their sport in a way that young athletes can understand. Athletically – Improving Physical Ability One of the main reasons parents register their young athlete to play is to improve their physical ability. A 360 Coach knows how to build athletic foundations through drills that enhance skill development.

16 The 360 Coach Spiritually – Embracing Life’s Purpose
The mission of Upward Sports is to promote the discovery of Jesus through sports. This mission is carried out by the 360 Coach, as you introduce life’s true purpose through intentional character lessons throughout the season while leading to an introduction of the Gospel message. Socially – Fostering Healthy Relationships An important part of growing as an athlete is connecting with teammates. As they enjoy time with others, they are building healthy relationships. As a 360 Coach, you should be a catalyst in encouraging this connection because it builds a socially healthy team.

17 Serving as an Upward Referee
A major difference between Upward and other basketball leagues are our referees. Referees act as an extension of the coaches, teaching and encouraging players while officiating. To start games, referees gather teams and coaches for a brief word of encouragement and prayer. Referees are introduced at start of games and participate in high-fives at the end of the game. They are the authority figure on the court. Circle of Affirmation between coaches and referees is critical.


19 Coaches as referees

20 Circle of Affirmation Actions and reactions on the court will have a lasting effect that either opens or closes the door to ministry. The Circle of Affirmation is a simple concept that illustrates the results of a coach giving referees and players on both teams positive feedback.

21 Circle of Affirmation All eyes are on you !

22 Jamboree – Saturday Jan 20
Goals: Relationship building Practice for players, cheerleaders, coaches & referees in game environment Assess basketball players positions in line-up Second team meeting Have fun!

23 Jamboree – Jan 20 Frame work: 1 hour total each team
4 six - minute periods all age levels Match ups at start of period No intros or halftime Running clock, no scores, home team first with ball No free throws First games short court for 1-2nd boys & girls One coach on court as needed Cheer teams between each period 30 minutes for team meeting after the “game” Rule sheets provided for parent meetings

24 Game Day Basics Arrive 10 minutes early for pre-game warm up in assigned rooms Cheerleaders introduced first then players. All run through banner held by referees on to court. Cheerleaders form tunnel for players. National Anthem played at start of each grade level league play. Teams and cheerleaders will meet at midcourt for a pre-game meeting with the referees. Referees will set the tone of the game with words of encouragement and leading both teams in prayer. At halftime, players meet off court with coaches for 5-7 minutes. Return to court when hear alert music in your room After games, high-fives other team/refs; teams move off court for for post-game team/families meetings Upward stars presentations to players and cheerleaders

25 Basketball match-up wrist bands
Black Blue Red Green Yellow HCC colors Each gets two sets (10 total) Wash Use as tool during practices Do not refer to level of skill represented by each wrist band Return at season end Spare sets if needed

26 Resources Online – - coach sidelines
Training guides and coaches manuals Commissioners: Mike Malueg – Boys Coaches Billy Haffner – Girls Coaches Leslie Belmondo – Cheer Coaches Mark Byram – Referees Other coaches or referees – we’re all on the SAME team! Share what’s working - sports, ministry areas Coaches contact list

27 Questions? Referees with Mark Room 102 All coaches remain in Fellowship Hall

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