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Theme 1: Location Two Types of Location Where is It? Absolute

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Presentation on theme: "Theme 1: Location Two Types of Location Where is It? Absolute"— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme 1: Location Two Types of Location Where is It? Absolute
Relative Where is It? Why is It There?

2 Photo by Travis75 - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck

3 The Five Themes of Geography
Movement Region Human-Environment Interaction Location Place Created with Haiku Deck


5 Photo by sidibousaid60 - Creative Commons Attribution License Created with Haiku Deck

6 Theme 1: Movement The Mobility of People Goods Ideas
Shows how places are linked to one another and the world…

7 Michigan: Movement

8 Theme 1: Movement List three ways movement helps people. 1. 2. 3.

9 Photo by Miguel Folch - Creative Commons Attribution License Created with Haiku Deck

10 Theme 2: Regions What Do Places Have in Common? Political Regions
Landform Regions Agricultural Regions Cultural Regions

11 Michigan: Regions We are part of the Midwest region.

12 Photo by Patrick Feller - Creative Commons Attribution License Created with Haiku Deck

13 Theme 3: Human Environment Interaction
How Do People Interact With Their Environment? People . . . Adapt to their environment Modify their environment Depend on their environment

14 Human Environment Interaction
It is not just humans that effect the environment, the environment effects us too! Examples: Weather, natural disasters, floods, snow, rain, etc.

15 Michigan: Human Environment Interaction

16 Photo by risaikeda - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License Created with Haiku Deck

17 Theme 4: Location Two Types of Location: Where is it? Absolute
Relative Where is it?

18 Absolute Location A specific place on the Earth’s surface
Uses a grid system Latitude and longitude A global address

19 Michigan Absolute Location Michigan 43.6867° N Latitude,
° W Longitude St. Clair Shores ° N Latitude ° W Longitude

20 Relative Location Where a place is in relation to another place
Uses directional words to describe north, south, east, west

21 Michigan Michigan is bordered by Ohio and Indiana to the south.
Lake Huron and Lake Erie form Michigan’s east coast. Lake Michigan forms the west coast, and Lake Superior and Canada are to the north. Michigan is one of the Midwestern States

22 Photo by Werner Kunz - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck

23 Theme 5: Place Physical Characteristics
Land Features Mountains, plains, and plateaus Climate Bodies of Water

24 Michigan: Physical Characteristics
Pictured Rocks Lake St. Clair

25 Theme 5: Place Human Characteristics
People Culture Language Religion Buildings and Landmarks Cities

26 Michigan: Human Characteristics

27 Question?? What is the difference between Place and Region?
Answer: Place is for only one area and Region is about many areas!!

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