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Coming up… We’re learning… What a Wonderful Week in Third Grade!

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Presentation on theme: "Coming up… We’re learning… What a Wonderful Week in Third Grade!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coming up… We’re learning… What a Wonderful Week in Third Grade!
Inquiry of Reading: These are great strategies for the upcoming BOGs! Reading Strategies Box and read the title. Identify the genre. Number each paragraph As you read, talk to the text. (What are you thinking) Read and answer the questions. Search the text for answers or clues and highlight. Inquiry of Math: Rounding to the nearest tens and hundreds and estimation Programme of Inquiry: How We Express Ourselves: Branches of Government We just launched our new CCE Spirit wear campaign. You will have 21 days to order. Money made will go towards new playground upgrades! Order CCE Spirt Wear here: Coming up… Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9/11: Day 5 9/18: 9/12: Sweet Frog Day Day 1 9/19: 9/13: Day 2 9/20 9/14: BOGs Day 3 9/21: 9/15: BOG Make Ups International Dot Day Day 4 9/22: CCE Shirt Day

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