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Policies of the Department of Commerce, Industry and Labor

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1 Policies of the Department of Commerce, Industry and Labor
Osaka Prefectural Government Department of Commerce, Industry and Labor Fiscal Year 2018 Operation Policies of the Departments and Bureaus Socioeconomic conditions surrounding Osaka-Kansai ● Shrinking domestic market and economic growth in Asian countries. ● Rapid permeation of AI, IoT in the whole social life ● Apparent shortage in labor, etc ○ The region of Osaka-Kansai has a potential to take advantages of the growth of neighboring Asian countries while it has the issues such as a shrinking domestic market caused by the population decline. At the same time, innovative technologies such as AI and IoT have rapidly permeated every aspect of society while the labor shortage has come up to the surface. ○ Taking these situations into consideration, The Department of Commerce, Industry and Labor will set forth “Globalization of industries and economy in Osaka” and “Permeation of AI and IoT into various fields” as a common direction concerning whole policies, and establish a system which could connect different bodies and efforts. ○ At the same time, the Department will associate with the policies of “Revolution of Productivity” and “Reform of Way of Working”, led by the national government, for more effective and efficient policy implementation. ○ In addition, we will cooperate with each economic group and such organizations as JETRO and JICA, clarifying each role and responsibility. We will also strengthen our efforts together with municipalities by making a new cooperative system. ○ Through these efforts, we will encourage the business development of SMEs, which support the economy and industries in Osaka. We will also make an environment where diverse human resources such as women and physically or mentally challenged people could play active roles. Thus we will aim at the improvement of global competitiveness of Osaka industries and economy, in order to establish the foundation of the Second Capital Osaka. Policies of the Department of Commerce, Industry and Labor Creating a system to “connect” different operating bodies and efforts “Productivity Revolution” “Work-style Reforms” Globalization of Osaka industries and economy Permeation of AI and IoT into every field ● Globalization of small and medium-sized Enterprises for their business particularly in Asia. ● Promotion of business in the life science and the energy related fields mainly in Europe and north America (Germany, USA, etc) ● Promotion of productivity improvement and innovations in “the fourth industrial revolution ” Clarification of roles Connecting ♦National Government (Kansai METI, Osaka Labor Bureau)  ♦Municipalities ♦Economic organizations ♦Organizations such as JETRO and JICA Supporting the growth and development of Small and Medium sized Enterprises Creating an environment where diverse people can work actively Policy Goals Enhancement of global competitiveness of Osaka industry and economy to establish the foundation of the Second Capital Osaka

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