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Bacteria Metabolism Clay, Carter, and Jake.

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Presentation on theme: "Bacteria Metabolism Clay, Carter, and Jake."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bacteria Metabolism Clay, Carter, and Jake

2 Overview (CN, CH, JL) How Prokaryotes obtain energy
How Eukaryotic cells create chemical energy How prokaryotes release energy How Eukaryotic cells convert chemical energy into ATP The two different types of Fermentation The types of bacteria and products involved 

3 (CN) How prokaryotes obtain energy
Take in organic molecules Take in organic molecules adding light energy Using light energy to convert CO2 into carbon compounds Use energy, released by chemical reactions

4 (CN) Types of prokaryotes
Heterotroph- organism deriving nutritional requirements Photoheterotroph- organism that use light energy. Photoautotroph- organisms that carry out photosynthesis Chemoautotroph- an organism which derives energy

5 (CN) How eukaryotes create chemical energy
Make energy  molecules Make ATP and NADH Uses Photosynthesis and glycolysis.

6 (CN) What is the Organelle and type of cell in eukaryotic cells
Occurs in the organelle chloroplast Type of cell is Plant Cell

7 How do Prokaryotes release energy? CH
Glycolysis- when something needs only when there is a ready supply of O2  Fermentation- when something die in presence of oxygen Some prokaryotes can use both

8 Obligate Aerobe CH Aerobe- Needs oxygen Oxygen rich environments
Found in human and animal lungs and near water

9 Obligate and Faculative Anaerobe CH
Anaerobe- Dies in the presence of oxygen Obligate Anaerobe dies in the presence of oxygen Facultative Anaerobe can be in both oxygen or no oxygen environments

10 How do Eukaryotes Cells Convert Chemical Energy into ATP?CH
Occur in the organelle called the chloroplast Plant cell Chlorophyll is the pigment that absorbs sunlight turns into ATP

11 Alcoholic Fermentation JL
Pyruvic acid + NADH >Alcohol + CO2 +NAD+ Regenerates NAD+ so glycolysis continues  Does not give ATP Gives off carbon dioxide  Anaerobic process (doesn’t need oxygen)

12 JL Alcoholic Fermentation and products
 Alcoholic fermentation used to make alc0hol  Humans benefit because we drink alcohol  Alcohols -Beer  -Liquor  -Wine 

13 JL Latic Acid Fermentation
Pyruvic acid + NADH >Latic acid+ NAD+ Regenerates NAD+ so glycolysis continues Does not give ATP Doesn’t give off carbon dioxide 

14 JL Latic Acid Bacteria and Products
Produced using lactic acid Cheese Yogurt  Buttermilk  Sour cream 

15 (CN) What is one-way Prokaryotes obtain energy?
A- Take in organic molecules using light energy  B- Use chemical energy  C- Use eukaryotic cells  D- use organic molecules using chemical energy 

16 (CN) What is an organism that uses light energy to convert CO2 into Carbon compounds?
A- Heterotroph B- Photoheterotroph C- Photoautotroph D- Chemoautotroph

17 What is one-way prokaryotes release energy?CH
A. Glycolysis  B. Lactic C. Alcoholic D. Eukaryote process

18  What organelle do Eukaryotic cells use to convert chemical energy into ATP?CH
A. Mitochondria B. vacuoles C. Chloroplast D. Golgi Appartus

19 JL What is produced from using alcoholic fermentation?
A-Beer  B- Milk  C- Apple juice  D-Coke 

20 JL What is produced from using lactic acid?
A- cheese  B- chicken  C-steak  D-apple 

21 Overview (CH, CN, JL) How Prokaryotes obtain energy
How Eukaryotic cells create chemical energy How prokaryotes release energy How Eukaryotic cells convert chemical energy into ATP The two different types of Fermentation The types of bacteria and products involved 

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