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Punctate midline myelotomy for intractable visceral pain caused by hepatobiliary or pancreatic cancer  Shiuh-Lin Hwang, PhD, MD, Chih-Lung Lin, MD, Ann-Shung.

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Presentation on theme: "Punctate midline myelotomy for intractable visceral pain caused by hepatobiliary or pancreatic cancer  Shiuh-Lin Hwang, PhD, MD, Chih-Lung Lin, MD, Ann-Shung."— Presentation transcript:

1 Punctate midline myelotomy for intractable visceral pain caused by hepatobiliary or pancreatic cancer  Shiuh-Lin Hwang, PhD, MD, Chih-Lung Lin, MD, Ann-Shung Lieu, MD, Tai-Hung Kuo, MD, Kwong-Leung Yu, MD, Fu Ou-Yang, MD, Shen-Nien Wang, MD, King-Teh Lee, PhD, MD, Shen-Long Howng, PhD, MD  Journal of Pain and Symptom Management  Volume 27, Issue 1, Pages (January 2004) DOI: /j.jpainsymman

2 Fig. 1 a) Operative photograph showing a midline punctate in the sagittal plane of the median septum at the level of T3 by using a 16G spinal needle. b) Schematic diagram indicating where the PMM is performed and what tract mediating the visceral pain is cut. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management  , 79-84DOI: ( /j.jpainsymman )

3 Fig. 1 a) Operative photograph showing a midline punctate in the sagittal plane of the median septum at the level of T3 by using a 16G spinal needle. b) Schematic diagram indicating where the PMM is performed and what tract mediating the visceral pain is cut. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management  , 79-84DOI: ( /j.jpainsymman )

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