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Buhera District
Demographic Data Demographic data (DHT Buhera 2010) Total population
Murambinda Growth Point 10.407 Birchenough Bridge Growth Point 12.142 Buhera 8.376 Pop < 1 year (3.1%) 7387 Pop 1-4 year (12.5%) 29787 Pop < 5 years (15.6%) 37174 Pop 5 – 14 years (37%) 88168 Pop > 15 years (47.4%) 112951 WCBA (25.6%) 61003 Expected pregnant women 9531
Total Tuberculosis diagnosis per year in Buhera District
Between 2007 and 2009 there has been a massive increase in the number of notifications. This might mean: - High HIV prevalence (17%) in the district - Improved identification of TB cases through decentralisation of sputum collection from clinics levels as from year 2008 facilitated by MSF decentralisation teams - Increasing numbers of patients being diagnosed TB in Buhera while they are from neighbouring districts. The 2009 TB Global report estimated Zimbabwean incidence of TB to be 782/100,000/year: but we have reached 700/ /year The district has meet one of its TB targets since year 2008 of identifying more than 700 TB patients per 100,000 people per year. This is more than the WHO target of 557/100,000/year.
Notification rate of all TB cases per 100 000 population
Patients from outside Buhera District as from 2005 - 2011
Neighbhouring districts like, Gutu, Makoni, Chipinge, Bikita and Chikomba
Proportion of patient age groups
Proportion of new TB cases versus retreatment cases per year
Buhera district has recorded 8.61% retreatment cases of the total diagnosis (1649) in year The district on average records 5% retreatment cases of the total diagnosis per year. Relapses totals to 31% of the retreatment cases in There is concern about the possibility of an increasing prevalence of drug resistant tuberculosis. As from January 2008 up-to December 2009 we have 17 relapse cases who have their sputum send for culture and sensitivity tests at Biomedical Research and Training Institute: Parirenyatwa Hospital. 13 out of 17 have received their results for culture, 7 are culture positive while 6 are negative, out of the 7 who are culture positive, 5 of them have received sensitivity results of which 3 are resistance to three or more anti-TB drugs. Two of them have died before receiving sensitivity results while the one who is alive has gone to South Africa to seek treatment of second line anti-TB drugs.
Active Screening of TB to HIV positive clients in Buhera district as from June 2010
July Aug Sept Oct Nov December Total Percentage Total screened 4756 2838 4249 4204 3490 4546 3998 28081 (100%) 100% Total Symptomatic TB suspects investigated for sputum 185 263 153 195 117 131 100 1144 (4%) 4% Number with smear positive result 14 21 9 13 16 10 92 (8%) Number with smear negative result 171 242 144 182 108 115 90 1052 (92%) Total asymptomatic 4571 2575 4096 4009 3373 4415 3898 26937 (96%) 96%
Tuberculosis diagnosis facilitated by sputum collection from clinics versus hospitals
Place of Smear collection
Total patients diagnosed TB, as a result of sputum collection from clinics from year Year (All) Place of Smear collection % Totals Mudanda RHC 0.19% 1 Mudawose RHC 0.37% 2 Mombeyarara 0.56% 3 Bangure RHC 1.49% 8 Gombe RHC 1.68% 9 Rambanepasi RHC 2.05% 11 Chirozva RHC Chiweshe RHC 2.24% 12 Chiwenga RHC Murwira RHC 2.80% 15 Nyashanu Clinic 3.17% 17 Mutiusinazita RHC 3.36% 18 Zangama RHC Garamwera RHC Chabata RHC Betera RHC 4.10% 22 Nerutanga RHC 4.29% 23 Madzimbashuro RHC 4.85% 26 Mutepfe RHC 5.60% 30 Buhera R. hospital 6.16% 33 Chapanduka RHC 6.34% 34 Muzokomba RHC 7.09% 38 Munyanyi RHC 7.65% 41 OI Clinic 21.64% 116 Grand Total 100.00% 536
Total Tuberculosis diagnosis per quarter for the past six years in Buhera District
2010 TB diagnosis per quarter
Results of smears examined for culture and sensitivity tests
Item 2008 2009 2010 Total Smear send for culture and sensitivity tests 3 18 11 32 Culture results Culture positive 2 8 6 16 Culture negative 1 7 Waiting for results 5 MDR 4 We are not testing sputum for culture and drug sensitivity in the district due to shortage of resources, but we send sputa for culture and sensitivity test to national reference laboratory: Biomedical Research and Training Institute: Parirenyatwa Hospital in Harare. As from January to December 2010 the district managed to sent 11 smears for culture and sensitivity tests, of which 6 out of 11 have culture positive result while the remainder 5 out of 11 are still waiting for their culture results. 3 out of 6 who had a culture positive results had a sensitivity tests of which all were resistance to three or more first line anti-tuberculosis drugs (rifambicine, Isoniazide and Ethambutol) As from January 2008 up-to December 2009 we have 21 relapse cases who have their sputum send for culture and sensitivity tests at Biomedical Research and Training Institute: Parirenyatwa Hospital. 18 out of 21 have received their results for culture, 10 were culture positive while 6 were culture negative, out of the 10 who were culture positive, 5 were resistance to two or three anti-TB drugs. Two of them had died while three are alive.
Percentage of Smear examination results of all PTB cases diagnosed
The line graph above shows the percentage of smear examination of all PTB patients diagnosed from year 2005 to In smear “Not tested”, I have only included the percentage of adult PTB patients who are 15 years and above, who are capable of producing sputa for examination excluding children of 14 years and below who in most cases could not produce sputa. As illustrated the percentage of smear positive increases from year 2005 (45%) to year 2007 (54%) then it tends to decrease to 31% in year The proportion who are smear positive falls but the absolute number of smear positives rises despite a fall in the proportion tested. This suggests a genuine increase in incidence of tuberculosis in Buhera district. The proportion of not tested cases decreases; irrespective of a slight increase of not tested cases from year 2007 to 2009 due to other diagnosis which were considered besides sputum examination as some of the patients were having unproductive cough. The 2009 TB Global reportestimated incidence of SS+ pulmonary TB (PTB) was 298/100,000/year
Percentage of Smear examination results of all PTB cases diagnosed
PTB smear examination results of cases diagnosed in Buhera in years 2006-2011
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Pulmonary Smear Positive 443 48% 90% 514 54% 94% 581 47% 1130 91% 507 39% 1131 87% 399 29% 1202 398 34% 1025 88% Pulmonary Smear Negative 386 42% 385 40% 549 44% 624 803 58% 627 Pulmonary Smear Not Tested Children <8 years and below 60 65% 10% 47 84% 6% 66 57% 9% 86 53% 13% 111 43 31% 12% Children & adults 93 56 115 161 190 142 TOTAL PTB 756 922 955 1248 1292 1410 The percentages of sputum examination increases from 89% in year 2005 to 94% in year 2007, then a steady decrease up to year 2010 of 8% within three years, while that of not tested cases decreases from 11% in year 2005 to 6% in year 2007 then it doubled in year 2010 to 14%. The proportion who are smear positive falls (e.g from 54% in 2007 to 47% in 2008) but the absolute number of smear positives rises(e.g 514 cases in 2007 to 580 cases in 2008) despite a fall in the proportion tested.
Treatment outcome for new PTB SS+ clients only by year
Treatment outcome for new PTB SS+ clients only by year
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Outcome % Total Totals cured 48.53% 165 39.95% 177 43.77% 225 55.25% 321 57.99% 294 died 10.00% 34 11.06% 49 9.73% 50 9.47% 55 7.89% 40 MDR 0.00% 0.17% 1 1.38% 7 transferred out 13.82% 47 16.48% 73 13.42% 69 19.79% 115 8.09% 41 treatment complete 23.82% 81 21.67% 96 27.43% 141 13.43% 78 11.83% 60 treatment failed 0.88% 3 0.45% 2 0.58% 1.20% 2.17% 11 Defaulters 2.94% 10 10.38% 46 5.06% 26 0.69% 4 10.65% 54 Grand Total 100.00% 340 443 514 581 507
Success Rate Target 85% success rate
Treatment outcome for PTB SS –ve, ND and EPTB clients by year
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Outcome % Total Totals died 26.14% 155 26.17% 173 26.66% 185 19.78% 215 19.03% 207 MDR 0.00% 0 0 0.09% 1 transferred out 13.32% 79 13.46% 89 11.24% 78 18.22% 198 5.42% 59 treatment complete 57.50% 341 50.98% 337 57.70% 401 58.79% 639 61.95% 674 Defaulters 3.04% 18 9.38% 62 4.32% 30 3.22% 35 13.51% 147 Grand Total 100.00% 593 661 694 1087 1088
Analysing Location of TB defaulters
Month Name Outcome (Defaulters) 2009 Data Patient’s location (physical address) Totals Percentage (%) Staying outside Buhera District 103 51.04% Stay within Buhera District 98 48.96% Grand Total 201 100.00%
Proportion of co-infected amongst TB patients
HIV status of TB patients at time of diagnosis
What proportion of TB patients not knowing their HIV status at diagnosis have been offered an HIV test?* *Excludes those known to be HIV positive
HIV status after TB diagnosis per year
Proportion on HAART or Cootrimoxazole of those HIV positive
Statistics for HIV medication for the year 2010 has not been presented as it is in the process of updating.
Number enrolled in HIV Care
HIV Medication given
Comparison of those enrolled on ctx and ART
Partners involved in TB and HIV
MSF-B TB Alert NAC New start and New life Dananai, Rujeko and CARC There are other partners involved in prevention and management
Achievements We now have 27 OI sites
10 were assessed to be stand alone sites but only 6 passed MSF-B has acquired the Gene Expert Machine for BBH Support and supervision visits being conducted quarterly
Challenges High workload versus staff shortage
Shortage of fuel for support and supervision Management of MDR-TB High defaulters
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