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Analyzing Primary Sources using HIPPOS

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1 Analyzing Primary Sources using HIPPOS
AP World History

2 Primary Source Documents
This is what history is made of!! Sources from the time periods we study help historians create arguments about what the past was like Multiple interpretations of the past

3 Before reading the documents
Do not just read documents for information Step 1: Connect to prior knowledge or personal experience Step 2: Create Context (Location, Author, Time, Purpose) Step 3: Predict the author’s motive

4 Step 1: Prior knowledge/Personal Experience
Open textbooks to page 43: Source from the Past “Hammurabi’s Laws on Family Relationships” Paired discussion: Should there be a different set of laws for men and women? Why or why not?

5 H.I.P.P.O.S. Historical Context Intended Audience Point of View
Purpose Outside Information Subject/Synthesis

6 Historical Context When did Hammurabi live?
What was the world like at that time? How did it differ from today? What changes did Hammurabi bring to Mesopotamian society? How did these changes affect the role of women in Mesopotamia?

7 Intended Audience Who did Hammurabi hope to influence with his writings? How does this affect what he would say?

8 Point of View Do your beliefs and position in society influence your views? What position (social class) in society did Hammurabi come from? What did he believe? How does this influence his views?

9 Purpose Read the introduction to the document.
What is Hammurabi probably trying to accomplish with this document? How would his provisions on family relationships benefit certain groups? Which groups?

10 Outside Information As you read, think of how this relates to other topics How does this relate to Key Concept 1? What do you know outside of this topic that can relate to the document (Chapter 2)?

11 Subject What does the document discuss?
Read the document (annotate when document is not in the textbook)

12 Your Turn Read “The Great Hymn to Aken” (Pg. 79) AND “The Rig Veda on the Origin of Castes” (Pg.98). For homework, complete a HIPPOS chart for each document

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