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Axis Aggression Preview Starting Points Map: Europe, 1930s

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2 Axis Aggression Preview Starting Points Map: Europe, 1930s
Main Idea / Reading Focus Germany Expands Map: Axis Advances Alliances and Civil War

3 Axis Aggression Preview, continued The War Begins
Faces of History: Winston Churchill Japan Attacks

4 Axis Aggression Main Idea Reading Focus
In the late 1930s Germany, Italy, and Japan used military force to build empires. Their aggressive actions led to the outbreak of World War II. Reading Focus In what ways did Germany expand in the late 1930s? What alliances did Axis nations make in the 1930s? How did the war begin? What were the causes and effects of Japan’s attack on the United States?

5 World War II and Its Aftermath
Section 1: From Appeasement to War Witness History Audio: The Desperate Peace Aggression Goes Unchecked When the aggressive actions of dictators in Japan, Germany, and Italy went virtually unchallenged, these regimes grew bolder. The Western policy of appeasement and widespread pacifism fed the ambitions of the three countries, which formed a pact not to interfere in each other’s expansion. Notes: Listen to the Witness History audio. Then read aloud the main idea for each subheading in this section and show the related visuals. After listening to the Witness History audio, ask, “What is the main idea of Chamberlain’s speech?” (He believes he has achieved and agreement that means lasting peace with Germany.) Ask students to predict how long the peace will last. When showing Color Transparency 174, use the lesson suggested in the transparency book to guide a discussion. Note Taking Transparency 171A 1 of 7

6 Click the icon to play Listen to History audio.
Click the icon below to connect to the Interactive Maps.


8 Germany Expands After World War I
Treaty of Versailles seriously damaged German economy Adolf Hitler came to power Promised to restore Germany’s greatness Lebensraum, or “living room” Hitler wanted more territory Neighbors aware of threat Memories of World War I still fresh No one willing to fight over words



11 Rebuilding the German Military
Hitler controlled German government by 1933 Secretly rebuilt military Unchallenged—openly stated plan to re-arm Germany Claimed resisting spread of communism—but empire building Militarizing the Rhineland Direct action in 1936 Armed force sent to the Rhineland French and British complained; no direct action taken German troops remained; Hitler grew bolder


13 Annexing Austria Europeans eager to avoid war Hitler plotted his moves
Target-Austria German-speaking country Hitler’s birthplace Nazi supporters in Austria Aggressive moves Hitler demanded Austrian officials accept annexation (Anschluss) Initial Austrian resistance Britain and France did nothing March 1938-unopposed German forces take over Austria Hitler’s demands



16 Threats to Czechoslovakia
Another German-speaking population Sudetenland eager to be a part of Germany Hitler threatened the Czech government Czechs prepared for war Avoiding conflict September 1938—meeting in Munich Chamberlain (British) and Daladier (French) agreed not to block Hitler Czechs had no support Policy of appeasement Appeasement—giving in to aggressive demands in order to avoid war Winston Churchill opposed the policy “Peace for our time” according to Chamberlain




20 Make Generalizations How did the British and French respond to Germany’s expansion and aggression? Answer(s): followed a policy of appeasement, giving in to Hitler's demands to maintain peace

21 World War II and Its Aftermath
Section 1: From Appeasement to War Spain Collapses into Civil War When conservatives led by Francisco Franco revolted against the new reformist government in Spain, a civil war broke out that drew help from Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union. Franco’s rebels won, and he set up a fascist dictatorship. German Aggression Continues Hitler annexed Austria and Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland in his quest to bring all German-speaking people in to the Third Reich. Britain and France were not willing to go to war over either move. Notes: Listen to the Witness History audio. Then read aloud the main idea for each subheading in this section and show the related visuals. After listening to the Witness History audio, ask, “What is the main idea of Chamberlain’s speech?” (He believes he has achieved and agreement that means lasting peace with Germany.) Ask students to predict how long the peace will last. When showing Color Transparency 174, use the lesson suggested in the transparency book to guide a discussion. Note Taking Transparency 171B 2 of 7

22 Alliances and Civil War
Hitler builds alliances with other totalitarian governments. Military force to achieve goals Anti-Comintern Pact Germany and Japan Prevent spread of communism Oppose USSR Italy joins Axis Powers later Military alliance Pledge aid in event of war The Axis forms Political conflict begins in 1936 Italy and Germany support fascist Nationalists Soviet Union supports Republicans Nationalists win after years of fighting Francisco Franco Fascist dictator Spanish Civil War


24 A Secret Deal with Stalin
Germany and Soviet Union on opposing sides in Spanish Civil War No direct conflict Axis Powers united against Soviet Union Soviet leader Joseph Stalin threatened by German expansion France and Britain discuss possible alliance with Soviet Union Stalin did not trust British or French In secret negotiations with Germans German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact Each side agreed not to attack the other; allowed further German aggression in Europe Secret section divided up territory in Eastern Europe News shocked British and French; Hitler definitely on the march

25 World War II and Its Aftermath: Section 1
Color Transparency 174: Wonder How Long the Honeymoon Will Last? 6 of 7

26 Identify Supporting Details
With whom did Hitler seek alliances in the late 1930s? Answer(s): Japan and Italy; he also signed a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union

27 World War II and Its Aftermath
Section 1: From Appeasement to War Europe Plunges Toward War When Germany seized the rest of Czechoslovakia, Britain and France decided they would move to stop Hitler if he attacked Poland. Soviet leader Joseph Stalin made a pact with Hitler that they would not interfere with each other in annexing parts of Eastern Europe. Two days after German forces invaded Poland, on September 3, 1939, World War II began. Color Transparency 174: Wonder How Long the Honeymoon Will Last? Geography Interactive: Aggression in Europe and Africa to September, 1939 Notes: Listen to the Witness History audio. Then read aloud the main idea for each subheading in this section and show the related visuals. After listening to the Witness History audio, ask, “What is the main idea of Chamberlain’s speech?” (He believes he has achieved and agreement that means lasting peace with Germany.) Ask students to predict how long the peace will last. When showing Color Transparency 174, use the lesson suggested in the transparency book to guide a discussion. QuickTake Section Quiz Progress Monitoring Transparency 3 of 7

28 German troops in position
The War Begins September 1, 1939 Germany attacked Poland World War II begins Blitzkrieg or “lightning war” Devastating effects Polish air force destroyed Soldiers fought; no match for German forces No natural barriers in the way Support for Poland Britain and France declared war on Germany Allies gave no real help Poland fell into German hands German troops in position On Germany’s western border Hitler eager for assault on France Plans for invasion made



31 World War II and Its Aftermath: Section 1
Note Taking Transparency 171A 4 of 7

32 World War II and Its Aftermath: Section 1
Note Taking Transparency 171B 5 of 7

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