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CMS-Bijing weekly meeting

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1 CMS-Bijing weekly meeting
H->γγ October Exercise J.Tao IHEP-Beijing CMS-Bijing weekly meeting Oct. 30, 2009 Two simple exercises for the H->γγ: HiggsGamGamValid HiggsGamGamVtx 3 groups involved in the HiggsGamGamValid Marco Pieri Nancy & Ted Beijing/IPNL: Junquan Tao, Hong Xiao, Anna Falkiewicz, Susan Gascon-Shotkin

2 The HggOctEx Code A standard CMSSW Analyzer Codes in 3_1_X were developed and checked into the CVS package by J. Tao: src: interface: HggOctEx.h test:, MultiStack.C and all the plots of my results Modifications (S. Gascon, A. Falkiewicz, J. Tao and H. Xiao, thanks to V. Litvin and others for disccusion): 1: HLT 'All-pass' (HLT selection done upstream, for now) 2: ISO variables plotted directly *after* selection of leading and subleading (in pt) photons, ISO cuts imposed *before* all plots (formerly was *after* all plots except m_2gamma). Can steer intermediate parts of selection with configuration 3: Added eta limits on photons: Incorporated into choice of leading and subleading photons are chosen 4: Cleanup/uniformisation of histo binning, limits, titles… 5: Two Separate new versions committed and tagged, one with solid, one with hollow cone track isolation (SolidConeTrackIso03_3_1_X , Hollow ConeTrackIso03_3_1_X) 6: Isolation bias: selected iaolated 2 highest PT photons Currently just gives histograms (can add output root tree later) Runing with Crab by J. Tao, H. Xiao and A. Falkiewicz many times with all the SD samples of HiggsGaGa.

3 Datasets after skimming of HiggsGaGa
Secondary dataset: SD_Photon20 samples for 10TeV and 7TeV Secondary dataset: SD_DoublePhoton10 samples for 10TeV and 7TeV (not actually needed for the plots for october exercise, but only for tests) 8 sets of plots: AfterSkim and AfterCuts for both 7 and 10 TeV with SD_Photon20 and SD_DoublePhoton10 tt zee Wenu PhotonJet_Pt15 QCD_EMenriched_Pt20to30 QCD_EMenriched_Pt30to80 QCD_EMenriched_Pt80to170 QCD_BCtoE_Pt20to30 QCD_BCtoE_Pt30to80 QCD_BCtoE_Pt80to170 zee QCD_Pt15 QCD_Pt30

4 Basic variables and events selections
Basic variables for plots: for events passing the skim: Photon variables for leading and subleading photon separately: Et, eta, sigma_ietaieta, H/E, R9, Isol_tk, Isol_ECAL, Isol_HCAL (define variables, same as for selection below) Diphoton variables: M_gamgam, Pt_gamgam, costhetastar, eta_gamgam, Pz_gamgam Primaryvertex_with_tracks (for now choose the one with maximal Sum(pt) ) Z, Sum(|pt|), |Sum(pt)|, Ntk For events with at least one photon with 2 converted tracks, with valid conversionVertex and with |deltaCot(theta)|<0.15: Zvtx_fromconv; Zvtx_fromconv-Z_fromtracks Additional plots for Fermiophobic Higgs: Uncorrected calo jets: Leading and subleading et, eta, Deta, M_jj MET: caloMET, tcMET for events passing the selections: Same plots as above Selections: Pt leading > 30 GeV && Pt sub-leading > 20 GeV && |eta| both photons <2.5 Isolation (leading and subleading the same): Tracker (Sum Pt tracks solid cone Dr<0.3 less than ~2 GeV) ECAL (Jurassic sum Et solid cone Dr<0.3 less than ~8 GeV) HCAL (Jurassic sum Et solid cone Dr<0.3 less than ~8 GeV)

5 Configuration File For events passing the skim: no cut in cfg file
#Used for photon selection MaxPhotonEta = cms.double(50.0), minPhotonEt = cms.double(0.0), minNumberPhoton = cms.int32(2), #don't change this or keep >=2 minPhotonEtGammaLead = cms.double(0.0), #Min PT of Leading Gamma minPhotonEtGammaSubLead = cms.double(0.0), #Min PT of SubLeading Gamma MinMGammaGamma = cms.double(0.0), #Min 2Gamma mass #Used for Isolation ISOMaxNumberTrack = cms.int32(9999), #will not use ISOMaxSumPTTrack = cms.double(-1), #if not requirement, specify a value <0 ISOMaxSumETECAL_EB = cms.double( ), #ECAL Isolation in Barrel ISOMaxSumETECAL_EE = cms.double( ), #ECAL Isolation in Endcap ISOMaxSumETHCAL_EB = cms.double( ), #HCAL Isolation in Barrel ISOMaxSumETHCAL_EE = cms.double( ), #HCAL Isolation in Endcap #Used for jet selection MinJetEt = cms.double(0.0), #Used for conversion track vertex calculation MaxCovDeltaCotTheta = cms.double(999.) #vertex from conversion, Nancy's proposal For events passing the skim: no cut in cfg file For events passing the selections: cuts #Used for photon selection MaxPhotonEta = cms.double(2.5), minPhotonEt = cms.double(20.0), minNumberPhoton = cms.int32(2), #don't change this or keep >=2 minPhotonEtGammaLead = cms.double(30.0), #Min PT of Leading Gamma minPhotonEtGammaSubLead = cms.double(25.0), #Min PT of SubLeading Gamma MinMGammaGamma = cms.double(10.0), #Min 2Gamma mass #Used for Isolation ISOMaxNumberTrack = cms.int32(9999), #will not use ISOMaxSumPTTrack = cms.double(2.0), #if not requirement, specify a value <0 ISOMaxSumETECAL_EB = cms.double(8.0), #ECAL Isolation in Barrel ISOMaxSumETECAL_EE = cms.double(8.0), #ECAL Isolation in Endcap ISOMaxSumETHCAL_EB = cms.double(8.0), #HCAL Isolation in Barrel ISOMaxSumETHCAL_EE = cms.double(8.0), #HCAL Isolation in Endcap #Used for jet selection MinJetEt = cms.double(0.0), #Used for conversion track vertex calculation MaxCovDeltaCotTheta = cms.double(0.15) #vertex from conversion, Nancy's proposal

6 Histograms produced (1)
TH1I* h_event_count; TH1I* h_eventpasshlt_count; TH1I* h_hltsize_count; TH1I* h_hltbit_Npass; TH1I* h_photon_count; TH1D* h_photon_R9; TH1D* h_photon_R9_EB; TH1D* h_photon_R9_EE; TH1D* h_photon_et_Lead; TH1D* h_photon_et_SubLead; TH1D* h_photon_eta_Lead; TH1D* h_photon_eta_SubLead; TH1D* h_photon_SigmaEtaEta_Lead; TH1D* h_photon_SigmaEtaEta_SubLead; TH1D* h_photon_SigmaIEtaIEta_Lead; TH1D* h_photon_SigmaIEtaIEta_SubLead; TH1D* h_photon_HoE_Lead; TH1D* h_photon_HoE_SubLead; TH1D* h_photon_R9_Lead; TH1D* h_photon_R9_SubLead; TH1D* h_mass_2gamma; TH1D* h_pt_2gamma; TH1D* h_pz_2gamma; TH1D* h_eta_2gamma; TH1D* h_CosThetaStar; Edit encore, add refs PTDR

7 Histograms produced (2)
TH1D* h_mass_2gamma_ISO; TH1D* h_mass_2gamma_ISO_EB; TH1D* h_mass_2gamma_ISO_EB_R9G93; TH1D* h_mass_2gamma_ISO_EB_R9L93; TH1D* h_mass_2gamma_ISO_EE; TH1D* h_mass_2gamma_ISO_EE_R9G93; TH1D* h_mass_2gamma_ISO_EE_R9L93; TH1D* h_mass_2gamma_ISO_EtaL09_R9G948; //12 CAT: R9min>0.948 && |eta|max<0.9 TH1D* h_mass_2gamma_ISO_EtaL14442_R9G948; //12 CAT: R9min>0.948 && 0.9<|eta|max<1.4442 TH1D* h_mass_2gamma_ISO_EtaL21_R9G948; //12 CAT: R9min>0.948 && <|eta|max<2.1 TH1D* h_mass_2gamma_ISO_EtaG21_R9G948; //12 CAT: R9min>0.948 && |eta|max>2.1 TH1D* h_mass_2gamma_ISO_EtaL09_R9G90; //12 CAT: 0.9<R9min<0.948 && |eta|max<0.9 TH1D* h_mass_2gamma_ISO_EtaL14442_R9G90; //12 CAT: 0.9<R9min<0.948 && 0.9<|eta|max<1.4442 TH1D* h_mass_2gamma_ISO_EtaL21_R9G90; //12 CAT: 0.9<R9min<0.948 && <|eta|max<2.1 TH1D* h_mass_2gamma_ISO_EtaG21_R9G90; //12 CAT: 0.9<R9min<0.948 && |eta|max>2.1 TH1D* h_mass_2gamma_ISO_EtaL09_R9L90; //12 CAT: R9min<0.90 && |eta|max<0.9 TH1D* h_mass_2gamma_ISO_EtaL14442_R9L90; //12 CAT: R9min<0.90 && 0.9<|eta|max<1.4442 TH1D* h_mass_2gamma_ISO_EtaL21_R9L90; //12 CAT: R9min<0.90 && <|eta|max<2.1 TH1D* h_mass_2gamma_ISO_EtaG21_R9L90; //12 CAT: R9min<0.90 && |eta|max>2.1 Edit encore, add refs PTDR

8 Histograms produced (3)
TH1D* h_nTrkHollowDR03_Lead; TH1D* h_trkSumPtHollowDR03_Lead; TH1D* h_ecalRecHitSumEtDR03_Lead; TH1D* h_hcalTowerSumEtDR03_Lead; TH1D* h_nTrkHollowDR03_SubLead; TH1D* h_trkSumPtHollowDR03_SubLead; TH1D* h_ecalRecHitSumEtDR03_SubLead; TH1D* h_hcalTowerSumEtDR03_SubLead; TH1D* h_IsISOPhoton_Lead; TH1D* h_IsISOPhoton_SubLead; TH1I* h_PrimaryVertex_count; TH1D* h_PrimaryVertex_ZDistance; TH1D* h_ZconvpvMinusZdefaultpv; TH1I* h_PrimaryVertex_NtrkDefaultRec; TH1D* h_PrimaryVertex_ZDefaultRec; TH1D* h_PrimaryVertex_RxyDefaultRec; TH1I* h_PrimaryVertexFromTraks_Npv; TH1I* h_PrimaryVertexFromTraks_Ntrk; TH1D* h_PrimaryVertexFromTraks_Z; TH1D* h_PrimaryVertexFromTraks_VectorSumPT; TH1D* h_PrimaryVertexFromTraks_AbsSumPT; TH1D* h_dz_EatimateFromTracksMinusZDefault; TH1D* h_dz_EatimateFromTracksMinusZconv; Edit encore, add refs PTDR

9 Histograms produced (4)
TH1D* h_CaloJet_PT_Lead; TH1D* h_CaloJet_Eta_Lead; TH1D* h_CaloJet_Phi_Lead; TH1D* h_CaloJet_PT_SubLead; TH1D* h_CaloJet_Eta_SubLead; TH1D* h_CaloJet_Phi_SubLead; TH1D* h_CaloJet_DeltaEta_j1j2; TH1D* h_CaloJet_Mass_j1j2; TH1D* h_CaloMET; TH1D* h_CaloMETphi; TH1D* h_tcMET; TH1D* h_tcMETphi; Edit encore, add refs PTDR

10 H->γγ October Exercise Results
My results for HiggsGamGamValid: See the results from the tes/ directory: The links from the HiggsGamGamValid website: Cross check: the results of HiggsGamGamValid from others (Marco Pieri, Nancy & Ted)

11 October Exercise Results: PT of leading photons
7TeV: AfterCuts 7TeV: AfterSkim 10TeV: AfterSkim 10TeV: AfterCuts

12 Eta of leading photons 10TeV: AfterSkim 10TeV: AfterCuts

13 Sigma_EtaEta && H/E of leading photons
10TeV: AfterSkim 10TeV: AfterCuts 7TeV: AfterSkim 7TeV: AfterCuts

14 Mgamgam && Eta(gamgam)
7TeV: AfterSkim 7TeV: AfterCuts

15 Z of primary vtx from tracks and conversions
10TeV: AfterSkim

16 Mgamgam: Barrel R9>0.93 & Barrel R9<0.93
7TeV: AfterSkim 7TeV: AfterCuts 7TeV: AfterSkim 7TeV: AfterCuts

17 Summary Hgg Oct exercise for HiggsGamGamValid have been From the results, there’s no big problem about the analysis codes and the SD data samples Comparing with others, the results are almost the same. You can see the results of the HiggsGamGamValid

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