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Single and double displacement reactions

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1 Single and double displacement reactions

2 Learning goals We are learning to identify single and double displacement reactions. We are learning to predict products of single and double displacement reactions.

3 Recall Most chemical reactions fall into the five families of reactions that we will be studying in our course: Synthesis Decomposition Single Displacement Double Displacement Combustion Today we will focus on single and double displacement reactions.

4 Reactivity Series of Metals
Potassium Most Reactive Sodium Lithium Calcium Magnesium Aluminum Carbon Zinc Iron Tin Lead Hydrogen Copper Silver Gold Platinum Least Reactive single displacement reactions are governed by the reactivity series of metals a higher reactive metal will displace a lower reactive metal

5 Single Displacement Reaction
Have the skeleton form: only happens if A is more reactive than B A + BC AC + B

6 Example #1 Given the word equation of the single displacement reaction below, determine the balanced chemical equation. Zinc + Hydrochloric Acid  Zinc Chloride + Hydrogen Gas

7 Solution Zn + 2 HCl H2 + ZnCl2 # R Atom # P 1 Zn 1 2 2 1 Cl 1 2 H 2

8 Double Displacement Reaction
Have the skeleton form: AB + CD AD + CB

9 Example #2 Given the word equation of the double displacement reaction below, determine the balanced chemical equation. Iron (II) Sulfide + Hydrochloric Acid  Iron (II) Chloride + Hydrogen Sulfide

10 Solution FeS + 2 HCl FeCl2 + H2S # R Atom # P 1 Fe 1 1 2 Cl 2 1 S 1 1

11 Learning goals We are learning to identify single and double displacement reactions. We are learning to predict products of single and double displacement reactions.

12 Homework P.243 #3-5, 7, 8

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