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Designing Open Tasks for All Students

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Presentation on theme: "Designing Open Tasks for All Students"— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing Open Tasks for All Students
Lisa Lunney Borden MSI 2008

2 An Open Task: Open in Process Open in Product
Many paths to the answer Open in Product Many possible answers Opens up with ‘what if’ variations Can open up into new explorations

3 An Open Task: Equivalent Fractions
Think of a fraction. Model that fraction using your materials at your table. Try to find as many different models as possible. Record pictures of your model on your page. Share with your partner. Share with the whole group.

4 An Open Task: Decimals Model each decimal with base ten blocks. Make a sketch to record your work. a) O.46 b) c) d) e) From Math Makes Sense 5, page 118 Opening it up… If the flat represents 1, use flats, rods and little cubes to build a robot model. Record a picture of your model and the value as a decimal number. Repeat two more times. Share with a partner. Share with the group.

5 Example Spaces: Subtraction
Think of a subtraction question where the solution is a two or three digit number. Think of another. Think of one that is really different than the first two.

6 Example Spaces: Area Think of a shape with an area of 24 cm2.
Think of another. Think of one that is really different than the first two.

7 Playing! The Place Value Game Building Numbers (a variation)

8 Learning Centers: Mixed and Improper Fractions
Building Models Comparing Improper Fractions Fraction Models Mixed Number Pictures Explaining Your Strategy

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