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Checking for Understanding: Friction

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1 Checking for Understanding: Friction
On page ____ of your notebook, label the page with the title above. Number from 1 to 10.

2 The cause of forces A ___#1___ is a push or pull, or any action that has the ability to change motion. The key word here is action, force is an action.

3 13.1 Friction Friction is a force that resists the ____#2___ of objects or surfaces. Many kinds of friction exist.


5 13.1 Friction Friction depends on both of the surfaces in contact.
When the hockey puck slides on ice, a thin layer of water between the rubber and the ice allows the puck to slide easily.

6 13.1 Identifying friction forces
Friction is a force, measured in __#3___ just like any other force. ____#4___ friction keeps an object at rest from moving.

7 13.1 Identifying friction forces
____#5___ friction is a force that resists the motion of an object moving across a surface.

8 13.1 A model for friction The greater the force squeezing two surfaces together, the ___#6____ the friction force.

9 13.1 Reducing the force of friction
Unless a force is constantly applied, friction will slow all motion to a __#7__ eventually. It is impossible to completely get rid of friction, but it can be reduced.

10 13.1 Reducing the force of friction
#8: identify one way that we reduce the force of friction

11 13.1 Useful friction #9: do these tires increase or decrease friction?
Friction is also important to anyone driving a car. Grooved tire treads allow space for water to be channeled away from the road-tire contact point, allowing for more friction in wet conditions. #9: do these tires increase or decrease friction?

12 #10: Which type of friction is stronger?
Sliding friction Rolling friction Rolling

13 Answers: Force Greater Motion Stop Newtons Lubricant Static Increase

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