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LAUSD Consolidated Application Part II

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1 LAUSD Consolidated Application Part II
Purpose: Review Consolidated Application Process and Timelines FY Entitlements and how they compare to last year’s Kathy Payne Budget Services Division 2/25/2019 FY

2 Consolidated Application
Used by CDE to distribute categorical funds from various federal and state programs to school districts. Two-part Application and Reporting Process Consolidated Application A two-part application and reporting process for multiple state and federal, formula-driven, categorical program funds submitted by county offices, school districts, and direct-funded charter schools.   The Consolidated Application (ConApp) is used by the California Department of Education (CDE) to distribute categorical funds from various state and federal programs to county offices, school districts, and direct-funded charter schools throughout California. Annually, in June, each local educational agency (LEA) submits Part I of the application to document participation in these programs and provide assurances that the district will comply with the legal requirements of each program. Program entitlements are determined by formulas contained in the laws that created the programs. Part II of the application is submitted in the fall of each year and contains the district entitlements for each funded program. Out of each state and federal program entitlement, districts allocate funds for indirect costs of administration, for programs operated by the district office, and for programs operated at schools. 2/25/2019 FY

3 ConApp Part I Due June of each year.
Documents District participation in the programs. Assures that District will comply with program legal requirements. Annually, in June, each local educational agency (LEA) submits Part I of the application to document participation in these programs and provide assurances that the district will comply with the legal requirements of each program. Program entitlements are determined by formulas contained in the laws that created the programs. Part II of the application is submitted in the fall of each year and contains the district entitlements for each funded program. Out of each state and federal program entitlement, districts allocate funds for indirect costs of administration, for programs operated by the district office, and for programs operated at schools 2/25/2019 FY

4 ConApp Part II Due January of each year.
Contains District entitlements. Entitlements determined by formula. Districts allocate entitlements for Programs operated at Schools Programs operated by the District Office Indirect Costs of Administration Annually, in June, each local educational agency (LEA) submits Part I of the application to document participation in these programs and provide assurances that the district will comply with the legal requirements of each program. Program entitlements are determined by formulas contained in the laws that created the programs. Part II of the application is submitted in the fall of each year and contains the district entitlements for each funded program. Out of each state and federal program entitlement, districts allocate funds for indirect costs of administration, for programs operated by the district office, and for programs operated at schools 2/25/2019 FY

5 Federal Entitlements Program 2006-07 2005-06 Diff/% Title I $404.8
$400.4 4.4 / 1% Title II A $57.3 $58.2 -0.9 /-2% Title III $24.6 26.3 -1.7 /-6% Title IV A $5.9 $7.1 -1.2 /-17% Title V A $1.9 $3.7 -1.8/-49% Total $494.5 $495.8 -1.3/-0.3% These are entitlement numbers: Do not include carryovers Do not include transfers among programs Title 1 – Part A Basic Title 1 – Part A Neglected Title 1 – Part D Delinquent Title 2 Part A – Teacher Quality Title 3 – Limited English Proficient & Immigrant Students : ESTIMATED NUMBERS ONLY Title 4 Part A – Safe & Drug Free Schools Title 5 Part A – Innovative Programs 2/25/2019 FY

6 Title I Program 2006-07 2005-06 Diff / % Part A-Basic $401.2 $397.7
3.5 / 1% Part A-Neglected $2.5 $1.7 0.8 / 47% Part D - Delinquent $1.1 0 / 0% Total $404.8 $400.4 4.4 / 1% Title 1 – Part A Basic Title 1 – Part A Neglected Title 1 – Part D Delinquent 2/25/2019 FY

7 State Entitlements Program 2006-07 2005-06 Diff/% EIA $114.7 $110.4
4.6 / 4% PAR $3.1 $3.0 0 / 0% TUPE $1.0 Total $118.8 $114.4 Numbers in red are estimates. Economic Impact Aid District expecting another $70 million due to $350 million program increase in Governor’s budget New figures to be released in spring 2007 Due to the lateness of the allocation, one-time carryover will probably be allowed at school sites. Peer Assistance and Review Tobacco-Use Prevention Education In FY these former ConApp programs became part of the state block grants: 10th Grade Counseling School Improvement (?) 2/25/2019 FY

8 Differences from FY 2005-06 ConApp
Part I – New Data Requests Quality of teachers hired with Title II dollars for class size reduction Non-students possessing firearms on campus UMIRS – Uniform Management Information and Reporting System State Board of Ed revised definition of “persistently dangerous” school. 2/25/2019 FY

9 Carryover Title I Part A
Title I allows Districts to carryover no more than 15% of their allocation from year-to-year. State can waive 15% limitation once every 3 years. LAUSD requested waiver in FY , therefore NO CARRYOVER EXCEEDING 15% in FY 2/25/2019 FY

10 The Process Different departments complete different portions of the ConApp: Accounting – Carryover Calculations Health Ed – TUPE Pupil Services – School Safety & Violence Prevention Human Resources – NCLB Teacher Requirements 2/25/2019 FY

11 The Process Budget establishes the rankings.
January 8, 2007 – ConApp update to DAC & DELAC Executive Board. January 31, 2007 – Deadline for submission of ConApp Part 2 to CDE. February – Additional meetings with DAC & DELAC for signatures. 2/25/2019 FY

12 LAUSD Consolidated Application Part II
Purpose: Review Consolidated Application Process and Timelines FY Entitlements and how they compare to last year’s Kathy Payne Budget Services Division 2/25/2019 FY

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