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CASAS Online Reading Test Directions for Students Revised 11-2-12.

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Presentation on theme: "CASAS Online Reading Test Directions for Students Revised 11-2-12."— Presentation transcript:


2 CASAS Online Reading Test Directions for Students Revised 11-2-12

3 Show: Photo ID with your signature o Drivers License o Florida ID o Passport Student ID Sign attendance sheet.

4 Write your name on the scratch paper. Do not write down the answers to the test. Give the scratch paper to the test administrator after the test. Maria Garcia

5 004251989 Click Continue. Enter ID. Seminole State ID Number No initials

6 Stop and Wait The Test Administrator will click into the test for you. Please wait patiently.

7 CASAS Directions LISTENING TEST 26 questions 2. READING TEST This test has 26 questions Directions 1.Click on the answer you choose. 2.Click the Next button when you are ready. Read the directions. Read how many questions are on your test. Each students test is different.

8 Answer practice questions for each part of the test. The test will NOT allow you to skip them.

9 Answer all of the questions! If you click the arrow on the right of a question page to continue to the next question without answering it, this box will pop up. The question will be marked as incorrect if you leave it blank. Do NOT skip questions!

10 For Reading Test Only You can go back to a test question at the end, but its best NOT to skip questions in case you run out of time. its number. ANSWER EACH QUESTION. DO NOT SKIP QUESTIONS. Write down the number of the question you want to see again.

11 If time runs out… (Idiomatic expression = NO MORE TIME) Please stop immediately if a test administrator asks you to stop. Watch your time. (See below) To see the Toolbar with time and items remaining, scroll over the top of the page. Click on the pin to keep it visible.

12 Continue Check out the FONT SIZE. It can be changed. Scroll over the top of the page. You can see the COUNTDOWN CLOCK and how many items are remaining. If the FONT is too big, some questions may be cut off. To see the complete question, use the SCROLL BAR at the bottom of the page. Scroll Bar

13 Continue Click in the box to select your answer.

14 Raise your hand. The Test Administrator will click End Test to close the test. its number.

15 Raise your hand when you finish. Leave the pencil. Leave the scratch paper. Walk out quietly. Return to class. Thank You

16 You may now click on Begin the test.

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