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JRC INSPIRE team INSPIRE MIG-P Meeting Brussels, 30/11-1/

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1 JRC INSPIRE team INSPIRE MIG-P Meeting Brussels, 30/11-1/12 2016
INSPIRE user engagement strategy JRC INSPIRE team INSPIRE MIG-P Meeting Brussels, 30/11-1/

2 Why? Fitness for purpose = focus on users - all categories of users (e.g. not only data providers) Diverse categories of users (analysts, policy makers, developers, citizens, …) INSPIRE needs to be useful to be successful – towards user satisfaction (tailored implementations) Requirements for INSPIRE maintenance and implementation are dominated by data providers User engagement is maybe happening on a national level, but is not coordinated on the EU level

3 INSPIRE user engagement strategy
based on national experiences focussing on EU and cross-border uses To identify and classify actual and potential users for INSPIRE (as a multipurpose European SDI) To collect feedback from users categories within the INSPIRE scope To feed it back into the maintenance and evolution process of INSPIRE To check & monitor the “fitness for purpose” of INSPIRE for various categories of users

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