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Conservation of Mass.

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Presentation on theme: "Conservation of Mass."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conservation of Mass

2 Law of Conservation of Mass/Matter
Says that the mass of a closed system will remain constant, regardless of the processes acting inside the system.

3 In other words… Matter cannot be created/destroyed, although it may be rearranged

4 Products and Reactants
Reactants: Substances initially present in a reaction that are used to make products. Products: The compounds that are formed in a reaction. Reactants Products

5 Which are the products and which are the reactants?

6 What are the Products and Reactants?

7 Examples

8 Chemical Reactions and Chemical Equations
Chemical reactions occur when bonds between the outermost parts of atoms are formed or broken Chemical reactions involve changes in matter, the making of new materials with new properties, and energy changes. Symbols represent elements, formulas describe compounds, chemical equations describe a chemical reaction

9 CHEMICAL REACTIONS Reactants: Zn + I2 Product: ZnI2

10 Chemical Equations Their Job: Depict the kind of reactants and products and their relative amounts in a reaction. 4 Al (s) O2 (g) ---> 2 Al2O3 (s) The numbers in the front are called Coefficients The small numbers after a chemical symbol are called Subscripts

11 Parts of an Equation Chemical equations show the conversion of reactants (the molecules shown on the left of the arrow) into products (the molecules shown on the right of the arrow). A + sign separates molecules on the same side The arrow is read as “yields” Example C + O2  CO2 This reads “carbon plus oxygen react to yield carbon dioxide”

12 The charcoal used in a grill is basically carbon
The charcoal used in a grill is basically carbon. The carbon reacts with oxygen to yield carbon dioxide. The chemical equation for this reaction, C + O2  CO2, contains the same information as the English sentence but has quantitative meaning as well.

13 Review Products? Reactants? Law of conservation of Mass?
Examples with clarification.

14 http://www. pbslearningmedia. org/resource/rr10. sci. chem. matt

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