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Hampton ELL Parent Club Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Hampton ELL Parent Club Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 As you wait for the meeting to begin, please complete this Thinking Routine

2 Hampton ELL Parent Club Meeting
October 14, 2016

3 Hampton Spirit Fridays
21st – Bagel Day Cost per bagel: $1.00 Order form in Classroom Meets guidelines for quantity and ingredient label 28th - “Spirit Day”: Michigan vs. Michigan State Day

4 28th– Fall Festival

5 Halloween - October 31 At Hampton, October 31:
Halloween is not considered a religious holiday. It is primarily a fun day for children. Children dress up in costumes like people did a thousand years ago. They go from house to house. They knock on doors and say "trick or treat." The owner of each house gives candy or something special to each trick or treater. The children say “thank you” and go to the next house. Trick or Treating in Rochester is from 6-8 pm on Oct. 31. At Hampton, October 31: Halloween Parade 2:00-2:30 pm. Parties will be held in the classrooms. Students bring their costumes in a bag and wear regular clothes to school. PLEASE: No masks, No weapons, No face paint

6 October in Oakland County
First Saturday of each month, from 9a-noon - Home Depot Free Kids Workshop for kids ages 5-12 – Next one is Nov. 5 – Make a Veteran's Day Helicopter Friday, Saturday, Sunday, October 14, 15, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Halloween Hoot Dinosaur Hill– For the whole family. Advanced registration required, $7 per person , or Cider Mills in the Area: Halloween Happenings in the Area: Saturday, October 22, 2016 from 4p-5p Trick-or-Treat - 3:30 – 5:00 PM Costume Parade - 5:15 PM (Corner of Water Street and University) Saturday, October 29, 2016 from 10a-noon Trick or Treating at the Downtown Farmers Market Rochester Farmers Market (corner of E. Third St and Water St, Rochester, Michigan)

7 Field Trips and Volunteering
*If you cannot go please let the teacher know as soon as possible * Please respond to the parent communications to make sure they know you got them *You are there to enjoy the trip BUT also to MONITOR STUDENTS * BE ON TIME How can I be a Parent Volunteer at school? In the classroom Field Trips In ESL In the Media Center For School Events *Must complete an iChat Form and be approved by the district  *Be available *Little Ones may not be able to attend with you in all situations! Check!

8 Parent Center Upcoming Classes
Please watch the website for the most recent information

9 In November: 4th - Next Parent Club Meeting at 9:00 a.m.
7th - NO School Professional Development Day 8th - NO School Professional Development Day Election Day VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!

10 Parent Teacher Conferences
November 9th, 15th and 17th Please Sign Up! Cancelling: Notify the teacher as soon as possible Reschedule What to expect when you arrive.

11 Attendance Hampton school bells ring at 8:00 and 8:05. Teachers start teaching at 8:10am. Kids MUST be in their classrooms, at their desks ready to work at 8:10. Many students are coming in late, missing important information and disrupting the learning in the classroom. Try to limit the amount of time that your child misses school due to medical appointments or illness. Schedule family events with your child's school schedule in mind. When a student misses 30 school days they will be dropped and will need to be re-enrolled. Plan ahead the night before. Lay out clothes the night before, prep lunch/ snacks, check that homework/ planners/ notes/ library books are in backpacks Promote good health. Make sure that your child eats a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, and has opportunities to exercise every day through a sports team or playtime outside. Create a restful environment. Finally, make sure that your child can relax before bedtime by doing something quiet like reading rather than do something stimulating, like watching television. Ensure that your child gets enough quality sleep — ideal amounts range from 8 to 12 hours. Getting enough sleep will help her get up on time, be refreshed in the morning, and feel ready for a full day of learning ahead!

12 REMIND Text Notification of upcoming ESL Parent Club meetings

13 (Tuesday/ Thursday 8am-3pm)
Next meeting: Main Office: ESL Questions? Mrs. LaPorte Ms. Wolski Mrs. Paulus Mrs. Tate Parent Liaison Center (Tuesday/ Thursday 8am-3pm) Mrs. Hernandez-Rendon November 4th Parent Club 9:00 am

14 Success this school year…
Get involved! Talk with your child each day about school and homework. Establish a homework routine and provide your child with a good place to study — away from distractions like TV, video games, the phone, or loud music. Take your child on trips, play games together, and visit the local library. Show you value education by taking classes yourself or let your child see you reading. Volunteer at school to help in the classroom, library, office, or on field trips Attend school board meetings and get involved with a parent-teacher organization. Read to your child or have him read to you every day. Listen to your child when they tell you stories or ideas, and ask questions. If there’s trouble, check in! Talk with your child and listen carefully before you offer any solutions. Contact your child's teacher; don't wait for the school to contact you. Meet or communicate with your child's teacher until the problem is resolved. Ask for specific ways you can support your child at home.

15 Get organized! Help your child make a schedule and put it in a place where you’ll see it. Writing out assignments will get him used to the idea of keeping track of what’s due and when. If your child is not yet able to write, write it for him until he can do it himself. Providing homework folders in which your child can tuck his assignments for safekeeping also can help him to stay organized. Encourage Good Study Habits! Help your child manage time to complete assignments. For example, if your child has a project due in 3 weeks, plan the steps needed take to complete it. Give practice tests. Help your third grader prepare for a spelling test by saying the words as she writes them. Have her correct her own test as you spell each word. Help your child avoid last-minute cramming. Review with your fifth grader how and what to study for his social studies test long before it’s to be given. A little studying each day goes a long way! Talk with your child about how to take a test (reading the instructions carefully, not spending too much time on any one question, etc.)

16 Do your homework/ learning at home!
Set a regular time every day for home learning. Provide your child with paper, pencils and other things needed to do assignments. Provide a well-lit, fairly quiet place to study, free of distractions. Check that your child starts and completes assignments. Talk with your child about home learning assignments. Does s/he understand them? Read the teacher’s comments on assignments that are returned. Turn off the TV/ X-Box/ iPad! Limit the time your child spends watching TV and playing video games. Experts recommend that children limit their TV watching/ gaming to no more than 2 hours a day. Encourage activities such as reading, playing with friends, spending time outside, making projects, and talking with family members, which are important to his development. Learn about current TV children's programs, DVDs, and video games, and help your child to select good ones. Watch TV and play the games with your child, so that you can answer questions and talk about what he sees. When you can't watch TV with your child or monitor his video game use, spot check to see what he's watching and playing.

17 Building Vocabulary Tips for Parents
Four types of vocabulary: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Listening vocabulary refers to the words we need to know to understand what we hear. Speaking vocabulary consists of the words we use when we speak. Reading vocabulary refers to the words we need to know to understand what we read. Writing vocabulary consists of the words we use in writing. Vocabulary plays a fundamental role in the reading process as a reader cannot understand a text without knowing what most of the words mean. Students learn the meanings of most words indirectly, through everyday experiences. What parents can do to help at home Engage your child in conversations every day. If possible, include new and interesting words in your conversation. Read to your child each day. When the book contains a new or interesting word, pause and define the word for your child. After you're done reading, engage your child in a conversation about the book. Help build word knowledge by classifying and grouping objects or pictures while naming them. Help build your child's understanding of language by playing verbal games and telling jokes and stories. Encourage your child to read on his own. The more children read, the more words they encounter and learn.

18 Sharing a new word with your child doesn't have to take a long time: just a few minutes to talk about the word and then focus back on the book or conversation. When introducing new words to your child, keep the following four helpful hints in mind: •First, provide a simple, kid-friendly definition for the new word: Enormous means that something is really, really big. •Second, provide a kid-friendly example that makes sense within their daily life: Remember that really big watermelon we got at the grocery store? That was an enormous watermelon! •Third, encourage your child to develop their own example: What enormous thing can you think of? Can you think of something really big that you saw today? That's right! The bulldozer near the park was enormous! Those tires were huge. •Lastly, keep your new words active within your house. Over the next few days and weeks, take advantage of opportunities to use each new vocabulary word in conversation

19 Additional Home Vocabulary Activities
Read Aloud –By reading books that are above your child’s reading level, you are introducing words into his/her listening vocabulary, and this will make it much easier for the child to recognize and understand these words when he/she comes across them in the future. Preview Words – Before reading to or with your child, scan through the book and choose two words that you think might be interesting or unfamiliar to your child. Write the words on sticky notes and tell your child what the words are and what they mean. As you read the book, your child will be listening for those words. Hot Potato (version 1) – Play hot potato with synonyms. Choose a word, and then your child has to think of another word that means the same thing. Take turns until someone is stumped. For example, you may say, “Cold,” and your child might say “Freezing.” Then you could say “Chilly,” and so on. Try it with antonyms. Hot Potato (version 2) – Play hot potato with categories. For younger children, the categories can be simple: pets, clothes, family members. For older children, categories can be: geography, astronomy, math terms... Word Collecting – Have each family member be on the lookout for interesting words that were heard that day. At dinner or bedtime, have everyone share the word they collected and tell what they think it means. If the child shares an incorrect meaning, guide him/her to the correct meaning. Try to use words in conversation. Board Games –Headbanz, Guess Who?, Go Fish, Blurt, Pictionary, Boggle, Bananagrams, Scrabble, Apples to Apples Jr., Taboo Jr.

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