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Question Web Ji Hye Choi.

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Presentation on theme: "Question Web Ji Hye Choi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Question Web Ji Hye Choi

2 Things you need A spool of string or wool Pieces of paper with questions

3 Instruction 1. Stand or sit in a circle.
2. Students choose a question from 1-18 to answer. 3. A teacher holds on to the end of the string and throws the ball/spool to one of the students to catch.

4 4. The student reads a question and answers, then throws the ball to another member of the group, holding a part of the string. 5. The same process is repeated until everybody in the class answers to a question. 6. Eventually, this creates a web as well as learning some interesting things about each other!

5 Check How many questions does each member answer?
Do you read a question and answer? After you answer to a question, what do you have to do? When you throw the ball, do you leave a part of it with you or let all go?

6 What have you learned from this activity?
Discussion What have you learned from this activity? *Reference

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