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Assignment 3 Issues and Options.

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1 Assignment 3 Issues and Options

2 The Maori & Colonization: Why was it Different?
War with Europeans ended in a treaty that was honored. Maori were granted many rights, property, etc.

3 1. “Warrior” Theory

4 Three theories “Warrior” theory “Leviathan”/Political Savvy (+ Unified People) “Late” stage of colonization, therefore brutality less palatable.

5 The Question of Global Inequality. Three theories:
(Diamond) Geographic luck – material factors, & big view.


7 Geography Culture, politics, religion, (writing?) Institutions (property rights, limits on the power of elites, forms of equality of opportunity, etc.)

8 Increase in Inequality in the U.S. (~mobility)
Globalization plus technology Culture 1: the “1960s” Culture 2: shared social solidarity of wars, depression, cold war and Soviets etc. gone. Political – decline unions, deregulation and influence via campaign finance, etc.

9 You will divide authors who discuss some aspect of fake news into 3 main approaches.
You can divide authors by stases (definition, causes, effects, solutions, etc.) a debate, or a central problem or question you wish to address. You will explain how these 3 approaches differ from one another You will indicate which approach seems to you most accurate, promising or useful.

10 This is a relatively new area of study, so you can divide them “creatively.”
You should divide them with an eye to unit 4, in which you will present your argument.

11 There are 3 main options with regard to how you approach unit 3 (and thus also unit 4).
“Conventional/Modest” approach. Select an area of the debate and synthesize positions. Describe relative strengths and weaknesses, and which seems best, explaining why. (Can use an example or small case to explain why it is strongest.) In unit 4, you will present your own position as an extension, illustration, or modest addition to one of the positions.

12 Map positions, then use them to explore an issue or controversy
Map positions, then use them to explore an issue or controversy. You may find one text or position most useful. Briefly map out 3 positions, and see how well they apply to a specific example or case. E.g. examine a particular site (Endthefed, or Alex Jones Infowars, or some other site). Your contribution becomes “lens-like” Focus on a case, controversy, or debate. If you have a particular interest we can discuss this as a possibility – but get clearance from me.

13 The “Skunkworks” option
4th Focus on a debate (see wiki) and use as an “anchor text” to map out key positions. 5th – do a (very) simplified version of Roberts-Miller in which you map out the different kinds of fake news, explaining key distinctions and why they are (or are not) a problem. Remember, Roberts Miller provides a framework for identifying and talking about demagoguery. Can something similar be done for fake news? (Forms of fake news that undermine democracy)

14 In paper 4 you could try to advance your own argument of what fake news is, and what should be done. Could use one of the cases above, or suggest own.

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