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Human Growth and Development

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Presentation on theme: "Human Growth and Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Growth and Development

2 Male Anatomy Female Anatomy Menstruation Vocabulary Harassment HIV/AIDS Potpourri 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500 500

3 The external organ in which semen and urine pass...

4 Penis

5 The external pouch that contains the testicles...

6 Scrotum

7 Either of two ducts or tubes that allow sperm to pass from the testicles...

8 Vas Deferens

9 The gland in the males that produce sperm...

10 Testicles

11 The duct or tube which urine and semen are discharged in the male...

12 Urethra

13 Female organ in which egg cells and sex hormones are produced...

14 Ovary

15 Pear-shaped female reproductive organ in which the fetus grows...

16 Uterus

17 Either of two tubes through which an egg or ova passes from the ovary to the uterus each month...

18 Fallopian Tube

19 The internal muscular passage that leads from the uterus to the external genital organs...

20 Vagina

21 The name of the female sex cell...

22 Egg or Ovum

23 How many ovaries a female has...

24 2

25 The process of the ovary releasing the ovum...

26 Ovulation

27 About how often does the ovary release an egg?

28 Once a month or every 28 days

29 The process where bodily fluids leave the body through the vagina...

30 Menstruation

31 The amount of blood and mucus that passes through the cervix, leaving the body through the vagina, each monthly cycle...

32 4-8 tablespoons

33 Organ that holds the developing fetus...

34 Uterus

35 Body System which sends out hormones and affects growth the most...

36 Endocrine

37 Where eggs are stored and matured...

38 Ovary

39 Body System that protects us from disease...

40 Immune System

41 Another term for puberty...

42 Adolescence

43 When a person causes someone else to be uncomfortable by repeatedly trying to hurt, offend or scare them...

44 Harassment

45 Unwelcome touching is this type of harassment...

46 Physical

47 Rude talking that is offensive to the person is this type of harassment...

48 Verbal

49 Showing pictures, drawings, notes, etc
Showing pictures, drawings, notes, etc. that are also offensive is this type of harassment...

50 Visual

51 What can you do when someone harasses you?

52 Ask them to stop OR Talk to a trusted adult

53 What does the acronym HIV stands for?

54 Human Immunodeficiency Virus

55 What does the acronym AIDS stand for?

56 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

57 A disease capable of being transmitted from person to another either directly or indirectly...

58 Communicable Disease

59 A person who has a disease that is contagious...

60 Carrier

61 The passing of something from one person to another...

62 Transmission

63 Being happy one minute and upset another...

64 Mood Swings

65 The AIDS/HIV virus destroys these type of cells...

66 Helper T Cells

67 The Master Gland is also known as this...

68 Pituitary Gland

69 List the 4 ways HIV/AIDS can be transmitted...

70 Sexual Contact Mother to fetus/child Sharing needles Contact with infected blood or bodily fluids

71 What is the BEST way to protect yourself from HIV/IDS?

72 Abstain and don't share needles

73 What are all of the bodily fluids that contain traces of the AIDS virus?

74 Blood, semen, vaginal fluids, saliva, tears, and sweat.

75 This will be your last SCIENCE grade
Congratulations! This will be your last SCIENCE grade for 5th Grade!

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