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Interviewing 101.

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Presentation on theme: "Interviewing 101."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interviewing 101

2 What to Wear

3 What to Wear

4 What to Wear

5 Tattoos and Piercings

6 Before an Interview Drive to location and time how long it takes
Print extra copies of resume Prepare questions Practice answering common questions Arrive on 15 minutes early

7 Common Interview Questions
Q. Tell me more about yourself. A. This is a common first question. Answer honestly, briefly and include only those details which you are comfortable revealing. They can always ask you to elaborate on particular points of interest. Try to mention something about where you grew up, where you attended school, a prominent move or career change, maybe a hobby. Include one recent detail of your life. This is a chance to establish common ground and find similar points of interest. "Well I was raised in New Jersey and moved to Washington DC to attend American University. I worked for XYZ doing research while getting my MBA at night. I graduated one month ago and I am looking to start the next phase of my career in a new city. My sister lives just outside of Chicago and I love sailing, so I was really thrilled to learn your firm is hiring. I just moved to town and I am loving it so far!"

8 Common Interview Questions
Q. Why did you choose this career? A. Almost anything goes for this, as everyone has a different story. Even if you stumbled into your line of work, this is a chance to show passion. If you have dreamed of this career your whole life, it is a great way to show follow through and desire.

9 Common Interview Questions
Q. Why do you want to work here at ABC Inc.? A. If you did your prep work, researching the company and position, you should have an idea of why you want this job. If you are just applying hoping for a better opportunity, keep researching and make sure you have at least one aspect of the job/company that you can point to as appealing. Honesty is the best policy, compliment the company, point out one specific qualification you posses and remember, simplicity is best. Avoid an extended story about how your brother's girlfriend's cousin said he loves working there and hooked you up with HR. "I am very excited about the opportunity to be a part of the growing ABC sales team, and I believe my customer service skills can help further ABC market share in this community. Especially with the new bean counting device coming out next Fall."

10 Common Interview Questions
Q. What would you say is your strength? Your weakness? A. These questions are your chance to really sell yourself - your strength should be a characteristic that is relevant to the position you are applying for. Think of something that you are proud of and can elaborate on. They will want an example or details. Your weakness should be an honest assessment of an area in which you lack experience or need to improve upon. Remember though, your still trying to sell yourself. Don't mention that you are constantly late, always procrastinate or can't deal with people well. Be smart. "I believe that I am highly organized and good with numbers. It's why I like bean counting so much I guess. For my weakness, I think I could use more experience with some of the newer bean counting technologies out there."

11 Common Interview Questions
Q. What did you learn from your last job/internship/educational experience? A. Sell the qualities that you want to highlight. Point out how that experience is directly related to making you a great candidate for this position. Take advantage of this open ended question by bringing up all the points you'd like to emphasize. They will ask follow up questions, so lead them where you want to go!

12 Common Interview Questions
Q. Why did you leave your previous job? A. Never offer up excuses or bash the job in question. If you do not have an "easy out" answer such as relocation, consider this question a chance to show your ambition for growth. Transition to explaining how this new opportunity is a better fit for your skills and/or your career ambitions.

13 Common Interview Questions
Q. Why is there a 1 year gap in your resume? A. If you have a period of unemployment on your resume, be prepared to answer a question about it. If you took time off for a personal or family crisis, avoid details. Simply state that for personal or family reasons you were unable to work for a period of time. If you have been unemployed on the job hunt, be honest. Layoffs are a common occurrence these days. Brevity and a positive attitude towards the situation will be your best bet in any scenario.

14 Common Interview Questions
Q. What are your salary requirements? A. Research the position and the common amount that others in the industry are making. Remember that an interview is very much a sales meeting. Do not allow yourself to dominate the conversation, ask plenty of questions when afforded the chance, dress properly, and smile -- positive attitudes are contagious!

15 At the Interview Shake hands Make eye contact Take notes Ask questions

16 What Questions Cannot be Asked

17 Questions I Should Ask Identify Their Pain:
"What is one of the biggest problems the company faces that someone with my background could help alleviate?" "If I started in this job tomorrow, what would be my two most pressing priorities?"

18 Questions I Should Ask Find Out Where the Company Is Going:
"Where do you see this department/company in five years?" "What are the long- and short-term goals of the company/department/work group?"

19 Questions I Should Ask Determine Whether You'd Fit In:
"How would you describe your company's culture? "What tangible and intangible qualities attracted you to the organization?"

20 Questions I Should Ask Show You're Really Interested:
"What additional information can I provide about my qualifications?" "What are the next steps in the selection process?"

21 Questions I Should Ask Ask Follow-Ups:
"Can you clarify what you said about...?" "Can you give me some examples of...?"

22 After the Interview Thank the interviewer and shake hands
Send a thank you letter Follow up after a week if you haven’t heard anything


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