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Job Tasks The Foundation of an Effective Training Program

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Presentation on theme: "Job Tasks The Foundation of an Effective Training Program"— Presentation transcript:

1 Job Tasks The Foundation of an Effective Training Program
Greg Coventry Compliance Auditor Operations & Planning Western Electricity Coordinating Council

2 BES Reliability Related Tasks
Western Electricity Coordinating Council

3 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Agenda Discussion of: Purpose of PER-005 Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) Importance of System Operator Training & Tools Importance of a Training Plan/Program Western Electricity Coordinating Council

4 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Agenda Primary focus on: Why a systematic approach to training is task based? Why training is most efficient and effective when developed and conducted at the task level? What is a Task? What is a BES Company Specific, Real-time Reliability-related Task (RRT)? Western Electricity Coordinating Council

5 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Focus Identification and development of an effective “BES company specific, Real-time, Reliability-related Task list” Western Electricity Coordinating Council

6 … a systematic approach to training is task based?
Why… … a systematic approach to training is task based? Western Electricity Coordinating Council

7 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Why… …training is most efficient and effective when developed and conducted at the task level? Western Electricity Coordinating Council

8 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Tasks What is a task? Where to find information for task identification Characteristics of a Task Statement What does a task statement look like? Western Electricity Coordinating Council

9 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
What is… …a BES, company specific, RRT? Can it be defined? How to distinguish what tasks are RRTs Western Electricity Coordinating Council

10 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Audience for RRT Power System: Operations personnel Operations support personnel Operations training personnel Operations Management Personnel Western Electricity Coordinating Council

11 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
PER [R1]/[R2] R1 (RC, BA, TOP) R2 (TO*) R1/R2 Use a systematic approach to develop and implement a training program 1.1 / 2.1 Create a list of Bulk Electric System (BES) company-specific Real-time reliability-related tasks based on a defined and documented methodology 1.1.1 / 2.1.1 Review, and update if necessary, its list of BES company-specific Real-time reliability-related tasks each calendar year Illustration demonstrating similarities between PER R1 & R2 * For personnel identified in Applicability Section Western Electricity Coordinating Council

12 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
PER [R1]/[R2] R1 (RC, BA, TOP) R2 (TO*) 1.2 / 2.2 Design and develop training materials according to its training program, based on the BES company-specific Real-time reliability-related task list 1.3 / 2.3 Deliver training to its System Operators according to its training program Deliver training to its personnel* according to its training program 1.4 / 2.4 Conduct an evaluation each calendar year of the training program to identify any needed changes and shall implement the changes identified Illustration demonstrating similarities between PER R1 & R2 Design & Develop Deliver Review Annually * For personnel identified in Applicability Section Western Electricity Coordinating Council

13 What’s all the hubbub about?
PER-005-2 Purpose: To ensure that personnel performing or supporting Real-time operations on the Bulk Electric System are trained using a systematic approach . Western Electricity Coordinating Council

14 Systematic Approach to Training (SAT)
Determines: The skills and knowledge needed to perform BES company-specific Real-time reliability-related tasks What training is needed to achieve those skills and knowledge Western Electricity Coordinating Council

15 Systematic Approach to Training (SAT)
Determines: If the learner can perform the BES company-specific Real-time reliability-related task(s) acceptably in either a training or on-the-job environment If the training is effective, and make adjustments as necessary Western Electricity Coordinating Council

16 System Operators primary job responsibility
Mission #1 System Operators primary job responsibility Maintain the BES in a reliable state Keep the lights on & meters turning Western Electricity Coordinating Council

17 Maintaining system reliability:
Mission #1 Maintaining system reliability: Real-time system operations is where the rubber meets the road The entire CMEP is all about maintaining the operational reliability of the BES. When it comes to Reliability, Real-time operations is where the rubber meets the road. The term “Real-time” is defined in the NERC glossary of terms used in Reliability Standards as “Present time as opposed to future time” Now that may sound fairly intuitive but what does it really mean Essentially, it means in the moment…now…immediately. In a “Jiffy” Real-time => Present time as opposed to future time In the moment…now…immediately Western Electricity Coordinating Council

18 System Operators (SOs)
Maintaining system reliability: System Operators are an entities most important asset for maintaining system reliability Regardless of what happens on the BES, it’s the job of the SO to respond We’re talking about the coordinated operation of the largest machine known to man… When it comes to maintaining system reliability, SOs are an entities most important asset Regardless of what happens on the power system it’s the job of the SO to respond as appropriate to maintain or restore the system to a reliable state Western Electricity Coordinating Council

19 System Operator Training & Tools
Maintaining system reliability: Training, tools, and support are essential to the SO in the performance of their jobs… and ultimately, Reliability of the BES Western Electricity Coordinating Council

20 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Training Plan Provides a methodology to establish and continually support a training program for system operations staff directly involved in operation of the Real-time power system. This includes: • SOs • Operations support personnel whose functions could impact the reliability related performance of the SOs Western Electricity Coordinating Council

21 Training Plan Methodology
Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) Primary methodology used to develop a Training Plan Many variations to the application of the SAT process Exact SAT model employed is secondary to the results obtained What is important: Training requirements are first identified Training solutions developed and delivered Operations staff are continually trained and evaluated in an efficient and effective manner Western Electricity Coordinating Council

22 Baseline Requirements
To establish a baseline of knowledge for the training program All SO trainee candidates are assumed to meet the minimum requirements as stipulated in the company job description Operations support personnel are assumed to be competent in their specific fields Telecommunications Operations engineers EMS engineers Operations training personnel Load forecast analysts Western Electricity Coordinating Council

23 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
SAT Task Based SO Tasks are the individual foundational elements of the overall job responsibilities Ability to apply skills and knowledge required to perform tasks sequentially or concurrently is an essential function of the SO responsibilities Competency at performing tasks associated with a given SO position is required for overall job proficiency Competent SOs are skilled switch-taskers Western Electricity Coordinating Council

24 Systematic Approach to Training (SAT)
Training is most efficient and effective when developed and conducted at the task level Begin with basic simple and frequently performed tasks – create the initial foundation – task by task Develop skills and competency by building on that foundation and challenging trainee to perform increasingly difficult tasks sequentially or concurrently as needed Once fully trained, a competent SO will be able to perform tasks as needed by Real-time conditions with confidence Western Electricity Coordinating Council

25 Systematic Approach to Training (SAT)
True competency is developed over time, with experience, continued training, and development of an intuitive feel for the “company-specific” system Western Electricity Coordinating Council

26 Systematic Approach to Training (SAT)
A typical training plan in NERC employs the SAT process through the five step ADDIE training model: Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation Western Electricity Coordinating Council

27 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
ADDIE Western Electricity Coordinating Council

28 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Analysis Analysis phase is used to: Determine training needs Identify training requirements Most important input for developing learning objectives and any associated training content in later phases of the process Western Electricity Coordinating Council

29 Analysis To ensure a properly focused training program: Needs Analysis
Job Analysis Task Analysis Western Electricity Coordinating Council

30 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Needs Analysis New training programs start with a Needs Analysis Identify training needs of the target audience and determine what the training solution should be Defining the training objective Collecting relevant information (job descriptions, SME interviews, etc.) Defining the implication (goal of training, training type, target audience, scope, etc.) Western Electricity Coordinating Council

31 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Job Analysis Starting point used to create a list of tasks for a specific job (i.e. System Operator) System Operator job functions can be divided into “duty areas” System Reliability Transmission Operations Generation Balancing Interchange Emergency Operations Western Electricity Coordinating Council

32 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Job Analysis Starting point used to create a list of tasks for a specific job (i.e. System Operator) System Operator job functions can be also be identified by position / AOR Reliability Coordinator (RC) Transmission Operator (TOP) Balancing Authority (BA) Western Electricity Coordinating Council

33 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Task Analysis What is a task? A work activity that: Has a definite beginning and end Is measurable or observable Consists of two or more definite steps, and Leads to a desired outcome Western Electricity Coordinating Council

34 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Task Analysis Sources for identifying Tasks Industry colleagues and experts NERC Reliability Standards Job description Internal Procedures Corporate Policies Internal Interviews Western Electricity Coordinating Council

35 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Task Analysis Once available sources are identified: Consult with industry colleagues and SMEs Best practices Review of available job information NERC Standards Job description Operating procedures Company policies (safety and other) Prepare interview questions Conduct interviews and observe on-shift conditions Develop a preliminary task list by Duty Area (repeat steps above as needed) Western Electricity Coordinating Council

36 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Task Analysis Finalize the comprehensive task list Categorize tasks For each task, write a task statement that describes the task Western Electricity Coordinating Council

37 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Task Statement What is a Task Statement? Narrative description of the task: Describes a given condition Describes actions to be taken by the SO Describes the desired outcome Measurable or Observable Western Electricity Coordinating Council

38 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Task Statement Example 1: Task: Respond to actual or potential transmission system SOL violations in accordance with company operating procedures and current system conditions Task Statement: Given a System Operating Limit violation on the transmission system, implement the correct procedure for the circumstances to restore loading to within normal operating limits Western Electricity Coordinating Council

39 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Task Statement Description of given operating condition Given a System Operating Limit violation on the transmission system, implement the correct procedure for the circumstances to restore loading to within normal operating limits Western Electricity Coordinating Council

40 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Task Statement Description of actions to be taken by the SO Given a System Operating Limit violation on the transmission system, implement the correct procedure for the circumstances to restore loading to within normal operating limits Western Electricity Coordinating Council

41 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Task Statement Description of desired outcome Given a System Operating Limit violation on the transmission system, implement the correct procedure for the circumstances to restore loading to within normal operating limits Western Electricity Coordinating Council

42 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Task Statement Example 2: Task: Monitor generator bus voltage and MVAR output to ensure that they are maintained within agreed schedules and take action to correct deviations as needed Task Statement: Given System Operating conditions, identify deviations in generator voltage and/or MVAR output, and initiate actions or direct the actions of others to restore generator bus voltage and MVAR output pursuant to schedules provided by the TOP Western Electricity Coordinating Council

43 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Task Statement Description of given operating condition Given System Operating conditions, identify deviations in generator voltage and/or MVAR output, and initiate actions or direct the actions of others to restore generator bus voltage and MVAR output pursuant to schedules provided by the TOP Western Electricity Coordinating Council

44 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Task Statement Description of actions to be taken by the SO Given System Operating conditions, identify deviations in generator voltage and/or MVAR output, and initiate actions or direct the actions of others to restore generator bus voltage and MVAR output pursuant to schedules provided by the TOP Western Electricity Coordinating Council

45 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Task Statement Description of desired outcome Given System Operating conditions, identify deviations in generator voltage and/or MVAR output, and initiate actions or direct the actions of others to restore generator bus voltage and MVAR output pursuant to schedules provided by the TOP Western Electricity Coordinating Council

46 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Task Statement Example 3: Task: Run real-time contingency analysis to determine next worst contingencies and their impact on BES reliability Task Statement: Given System Operating conditions, perform a RTCA, identify the next worst contingency and determine their impact on BES reliability Western Electricity Coordinating Council

47 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Task Statement Description of given operating condition Given System Operating conditions, perform a RTCA, identify the next worst contingency and determine their impact on BES reliability Western Electricity Coordinating Council

48 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Task Statement Description of actions to be taken by the SO Given System Operating conditions, perform a RTCA, identify the next worst contingency and determine their impact on BES reliability Western Electricity Coordinating Council

49 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Task Statement Description of desired outcome Given System Operating conditions, perform a RTCA, identify the next worst contingency and determine their impact on BES reliability Western Electricity Coordinating Council

50 Task Statement: Practice
Evaluate scheduled generation outage based on current or anticipated system conditions and decide to authorize or postpone based on system reliability requirements Western Electricity Coordinating Council

51 Task Statement: Practice
Issue/Respond to Operating Instructions using established communications protocols and three-part communications Western Electricity Coordinating Council

52 Real-time, Reliability-related Job Task Analysis
Take a closer look at the task list to examine each task and assess whether or not it can be classified as a Real-time, Reliability-related task Western Electricity Coordinating Council

53 Job Task Analysis - RRTs
What is a RRT? Can it be defined? Left up to entities to define? Western Electricity Coordinating Council

54 Job Task Analysis - RRTs
BES RRTs company-specific Real-time PER specifies the RC, BA, TOP, TO…based on a defined and documented methodology “shall create a list of…all together now!!! (BES) company-specific Real-time reliability-related tasks AKA RRTs Note: BES and Real-time are both capitalized…these are terms defined in the NERC glossary of terms used in Reliability Standards. If you think about it from the big picture perspective…what we’re talking about here is the defined and documented methodology reliability-related tasks Western Electricity Coordinating Council

55 Reliability Related Tasks
Audit Approach Reliability-Related Tasks Generally those tasks that must be performed only by a NERC-certified System Operator Includes tasks performed during normal operations to operate the system within SOLs Includes tasks performed during contingent, emergency and restoration conditions Western Electricity Coordinating Council

56 RRT Example Definition
A System Operator’s job task shall be considered a BES company specific, Real-time, reliability-related task (RRT) when the task has the potential to impact the adequate level of reliability to the BES Best Practice…Here’s an example of RRT definition…for consideration…the key is that a proper definition of RRT needs to address all aspects of RT operations. (i.e. Normal, Abnormal, & Emergency) Example: A System Operator’s job task shall be considered a BES company specific, Real-time, reliability-related task (RRT) when the task has the potential to impact the Adequate Level of Reliability to the BES Only caveat is this definition requires an additional clarifying definition of what an “Adequate Level of Reliability” is Western Electricity Coordinating Council

57 Adequate Level of Reliability
An Adequate Level of Reliability is defined by the following characteristics: The system is monitored and controlled to stay within acceptable limits during normal conditions The system performs acceptably after credible contingencies System resiliency limits the impact and scope of instability and cascading outages when they occur Western Electricity Coordinating Council

58 Adequate Level of Reliability
The system’s facilities are protected from unacceptable damage by operating within facility ratings The system’s integrity can be restored promptly if compromised The system maintains the ability to supply the aggregate electric power and energy requirements of the electricity consumers at all times, taking into account scheduled and reasonably expected unscheduled outages of system components Western Electricity Coordinating Council

59 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
JTA - RRT List RRTs are a subset of the “Task” list Review the entire Task list => Is it? company specific Real-time reliability-related Western Electricity Coordinating Council

60 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
RRTs Is it a RRT? Rewrite or revise system operating procedures as requested As the incoming shift operator, gather all required information from system operator leaving the shift and by reviewing displays and logs Adjust transfers on major scheduling paths/transmission facilities to mitigate actual or potential threats to system reliability Western Electricity Coordinating Council

61 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
RRTs Is it a RRT? Adjust short-term load forecast (same day) using actual load data and correction factors Prepare switching instructions for issuing and releasing equipment clearances or hot line holds Operate reactive devices as applicable to stay ahead of system voltage during daily load cycle Western Electricity Coordinating Council

62 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
RRTs Is it a RRT? Implement manual load shedding as required to relieve IROL or SOL violations or other BES emergency condition Western Electricity Coordinating Council

63 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Summary Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) – Task Based Tasks are the individual foundational work activities of the overall System Operator job responsibilities Competency at performing tasks associated with a given position is required for overall job proficiency and maintenance of system reliability Western Electricity Coordinating Council

64 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Summary Task is a work activity that: Has a definite beginning and end Is measurable or observable Consists of two or more definite steps, and Leads to a desired outcome Western Electricity Coordinating Council

65 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Summary Task Statement? Narrative description of the task: Describes a given situation Describes actions to be taken by the SO Describes the desired outcome Measurable or Observable Western Electricity Coordinating Council

66 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Summary BES RRTs company-specific Real-time reliability-related PER specifies the RC, BA, TOP, TO “shall create a list of Bulk Electric System (BES) company-specific Real-time reliability-related tasks based on a defined and documented methodology AKA RRTs RRTs are a subset of the “Task” list tasks RRTs are a subset of the “Task” list Western Electricity Coordinating Council

67 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Next… ADDIE Analysis Design Development A typical training plan in NERC employs the SAT process through the five step ADDIE training model: Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation Implementation Evaluation Western Electricity Coordinating Council

68 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Next… ADDIE Now that we’ve developed our BES company-specific Real-time reliability-related task list we have the foundational elements for completing the rest of the ADDIE process for our Training Program Western Electricity Coordinating Council

69 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Design Design Phase: Produces a training development plan that guides the creation of all training materials and teaching strategies Difficulty, Importance, Frequency (DIF) Analysis Skills and Knowledge Assessment (SKA) Expanding training program beyond the RRTs Now that we’ve developed our BES company-specific Real-time reliability-related task list we have the foundational elements for completing the rest of the ADDIE process for our Training Program Analysis Design – The training Design phase produces a training development plan that guides the creation of all training materials and teaching strategies. Framework to include DIF analysis is performed to determine where in the training program the information is placed Initial and/or continuing SKA performed to determine the training needs and desired outcomes Also consider non RRT related training to be included Customization of training program to meet individual needs Western Electricity Coordinating Council

70 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Design Design Phase: Learning objectives are written to clearly state the measurable performance the trainee shall demonstrate after training is completed Terminal Objective Enabling Objectives Western Electricity Coordinating Council

71 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Design Design Phase: Methods of delivering the training are selected during the design phase Teaching styles should, if possible, mimic real-world performance environments Example: Training for SO response to transmission congestion is ideally conducted using a dispatcher training simulator (DTS) that mimics the operation of the BES Western Electricity Coordinating Council

72 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Design Design Phase: Training methods to be considered include: Self-study instruction On-the-job Training (OJT) including site visits (ex: generating stations and substations) DTS exercises Classroom instruction eLearning (online) instruction Blended learning (combinations of above) Western Electricity Coordinating Council

73 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Develop Development Phase: All training materials are created using inputs from the Design phase Produces variations of the following training products: Now that we’ve developed our BES company-specific Real-time reliability-related task list we have the foundational elements for completing the rest of the ADDIE process for our Training Program Analysis Design Develop - During Development phase: All training materials are created using inputs from the Design phase Produces variations of the following training products: Classroom presentation materials for instructors & students Assigned Online learning activities and provider website access information Classroom presentation materials for instructors & students Assigned Online learning activities and provider website access information Western Electricity Coordinating Council

74 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Develop Development Phase: Self-study materials for students DTS exercise guides and evaluation materials OJT materials Student guides Checklists Qualification standards Site-visit check lists Western Electricity Coordinating Council

75 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Develop Development Phase: Initial and continuing training schedules Evaluation materials Course Instructor Lesson Evaluation forms Training record methods Attendance forms Course documentation requirements Western Electricity Coordinating Council

76 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Implement Implementation Phase: Training is delivered, and the trainee’s mastery of the learning objectives is assessed Delivery is based on written guidance documents (lesson plans, OJT guides, performance observation checklist, etc.) by approved and qualified training personnel Now that we’ve developed our BES company-specific Real-time reliability-related task list we have the foundational elements for completing the rest of the ADDIE process for our Training Program Analysis Design Develop Implement - Training is delivered, and the trainee’s mastery of the learning objectives is assessed Delivery is based on written guidance documents (lesson plans, OJT guides, performance observation checklist, etc.) by approved and qualified training personnel Western Electricity Coordinating Council

77 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Evaluate Evaluation Phase: Assists the Training Coordinator with determining both the strengths and weaknesses of the training Corrective action plans would then be developed to eliminate the weak links in the training Evaluate Analysis Design Develop Implement Evaluate - The Evaluation phase assists the Training Coordinator with determining both the strengths and weaknesses of the training Corrective action plans would then be developed to eliminate the weak links in the training The Training Coordinator conducts individual course evaluations as well as an annual program level evaluation for the entire training program The Training Coordinator conducts individual course evaluations as well as an annual program level evaluation for the entire training program Western Electricity Coordinating Council

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