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Enabling Environment Meeting with the Parliamentarian Forum Member (Mr. Abdul Mannan, State Minister of the Ministry of Finance and Planning) Dialogue.

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Presentation on theme: "Enabling Environment Meeting with the Parliamentarian Forum Member (Mr. Abdul Mannan, State Minister of the Ministry of Finance and Planning) Dialogue."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Evaluation Plan (NEP) Present Status and Future Steps Country: Bangladesh

2 Enabling Environment Meeting with the Parliamentarian Forum Member (Mr. Abdul Mannan, State Minister of the Ministry of Finance and Planning) Dialogue with the other MPs Meeting with other organizations including UNICEF, UN Women, Donors, International and national NGOs Dialogue to the Civil Society, Media, Women Leaders and other renowned Evaluation professionals Here comes your footer  Page 2

3 CoE- Bangladesh on Board Role of Donor Agencies
Existing Capacity CoE- Bangladesh on Board Role of Donor Agencies Role of International NGOs Role of National NGOs Role of IMED under the Ministry of Planning Here comes your footer  Page 3

4 Emergence of different Actors
CoE- Bangladesh Donor Agencies International NGOs National NGOs IMED Ministers /MPs Civil Society Here comes your footer  Page 4

5 Challenges Coordination among the Actors
Availability (Timing) of the decision-makers including MPs, Ministers, IMED Secretary and other Secretaries Activating the Ministries, different departments under the government and the MPs Here comes your footer  Page 5

6 Future Steps Activities
1. Arrange a meeting with the Secretary of Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED) under the Ministry of Planning who are related with NEP 2. Meeting with Honourable State Minister Mr. Abdul Mannan and other like- minded MPs 3.a. Meet with Honorable Planning Minister along with the MPs and submit a concept note on the experiences of other countries on preparation of NEP 3.b. Campaigning to form NEP and will request the Hon’ble Minister to make an action plan for NEP 4.a. Meet with Hon’ble Speaker and submit a concept note on the experiences of other countries on preparation of NEP. Here comes your footer  Page 6

7 Future Steps 4.b. Campaigning to develop NEP and will request the Speaker to facilitate the process of developing NEP 5. Meet with Honorable Chief Whip and Whips and share our experiences we gathered from this Conference on NEP 6. Meet with other organizations including UNICEF, UN Women, Donors, International and national NGOs and exchange experience and ideas regarding Draft Evaluation Policy 7. Arrange a meeting with the Secretaries including the Secretary of Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED) who are related with NEP 8. Arrange a dialogue to the Civil Society, Media, Women Leaders and other renowned Evaluation professionals. Here comes your footer  Page 7

8 Future Steps 9. Prepare Draft NEP and submit to the Planning Ministry. 10. Meet with our Hon’ble Prime Minister, inform about preparation of draft NEP and share it. Requesting her to provide her advice to materialize the preparation of Final version of NEP Here comes your footer  Page 8

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