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Newsletter From Mrs. Wolfgang and Mrs. Griffin

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Presentation on theme: "Newsletter From Mrs. Wolfgang and Mrs. Griffin"— Presentation transcript:

1 Newsletter From Mrs. Wolfgang and Mrs. Griffin
Dear Parents, Book character day is Monday. We are looking forward to seeing everyone’s outfit and hearing about their books! (No Halloween costumes, please.)Thanksgiving break is just around the corner! Don’t forget we have the entire week off of school! We have Friends and Family luncheon coming up the week of the 13th. The kindergarten day is on Tuesday, Nov. 14th. Times to be announced. Math: We have worked on… Counting in a line and rectangular array Counting to 100 Comparing groups of objects (greater than, less than, and equal to) Coming up… Teen numbers from 11-20 Measurement- length/weight Language Arts/ Reading: Here are the letters we are working on…. U, R, E, G, D, L, and J Upcoming… K, Y, V, Q, X, and Z. Here are the sight words we are working on… What, you, are, is, look, go, play Make, it, said, not, can, little Practice sight words each night! In reading, we have been working on main idea and supporting details. As you read at home, see if your student can identify main idea and tell what details support the main idea. Writing: We are learning about informational writing. We wrote about bats this week. We will continue to work on informational writing for the rest of the quarter.  Social Studies: We are working on… Columbus Day and positive character traits. Upcoming… Bald Eagle, Veteran’s Day, and Thanksgiving Please work on learning addresses. We will be working on this soon. Science: We have worked day and night sky. We will be working on motion soon!  Procedures: Ask your child about our classroom and hallway expectations. Please, talk about the expectations and go over them at home.  Reminders: Book Character Day Oct. 30th (Monday! No Halloween costumes please) No school Nov. 7th- Election Day! Thanksgiving Holiday- November 20-24th. No school! Please mark afternoon transportation in folders every day! Thank you!

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