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Showing or expressing hostility or opposition -5

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Presentation on theme: "Showing or expressing hostility or opposition -5"— Presentation transcript:

1 Showing or expressing hostility or opposition -5
Antagonistic Showing or expressing hostility or opposition -5

2 The scientific study of the universe.-5
astronomy The scientific study of the universe.-5

3 Thermal; relating or associated with heat-5
caloric Thermal; relating or associated with heat-5

4 The crime of killing one’s brother -5
Fratricide The crime of killing one’s brother -5

5 corporal Relating to or affecting the body - 5
A noncommissioned officer in various armed forces, of a rank immediately below sergeant

6 Flexible Capable of being bent, pliable - 5
Susceptible to influence or persuasion

7 Spoken or written tribute; high praise - 5
eulogy Spoken or written tribute; high praise - 5

8 credibility The ability to inspire belief or trust
A willingness to accept something as true -5

9 dormitory A large room in which many people sleep, e.g. at a boarding school or hostel A building used as living and sleeping quarters by college students- 5

10 epicenter The exact location on the Earth’s surface directly above the focus of an earthquake or underground nuclear explosion The very center or focal point - 5

11 Puncture A small hole or wound made by a sharp object
To sustain a small hole or wound in something such as a tire or the skin, or cause such a hole - 6

12 semimonthly Happening or published twice each month, usually at equal intervals - 6

13 macrocosm Complex structure, e.g. the world or universe, considered as a single entity that contains numerous similar smaller scale structures - 6

14 monomania An obsessive interest in a single thing, or a preoccupation with a single idea or thought - 6

15 periscope A long tubular optical instrument , e.g. on a submarine, that uses lenses, prisms, and mirrors to allow a viewer to see objects not in direct line of sight. - 6

16 A drug that reduces or neutralizes stomach acid - 6
antacid A drug that reduces or neutralizes stomach acid - 6

17 Scald To burn somebody or part of the body with hot liquid or steam
A burn caused by liquid or steam - 6

18 pseudonym A name that ids not somebody’s original name, especially one used by an author in publications - 6

19 Marine Relating to, found in, or living in the sea
In the military, a soldier who serves at sea as well as in the air and on land - 6

20 Corporation A company recognized by law as a single body with its own powers and liabilities - 7

21 dormant In an inactive state, when growth and development slow or cease, in order to survive adverse environmental conditions - 7 Temporarily inactive or not in use

22 eureka Expressing triumph - 7

23 incredulous Unable or unwilling to believe something or completely unconvinced by it - 7

24 Reflex Occurring automatically and involuntarily; an involuntary physiological reaction - 7

25 Episode An event that is part of but distinct from a greater whole and that often has specific significance - 7

26 lecture An educational speech on a subject made before an audience
A lengthy reprimand or scolding concerning something - 7

27 Half the area or circumference of a circle -7
Semicircle Half the area or circumference of a circle -7

28 Recurring or reappearing from time to time - 7
periodic Recurring or reappearing from time to time - 7

29 Pathological liar, making up conversation - 7
pseudologue Pathological liar, making up conversation - 7

30 The act of killing yourself - 6
Suicide The act of killing yourself - 6

31 calor heat

32 flex bend

33 -over Above , excessive

34 semi half

35 pseudo false

36 Mar, mari Sea, pool

37 tri- three

38 -port carry

39 ure Act, process

40 Bi- two

41 -al Relating to

42 macro large

43 il-, ir-, im-, in-, non- not

44 peri Around, enclosing

45 corp body

46 Pre- before

47 cide kill

48 dorm sleep

49 astro star

50 Ex- Out of

51 Anti against

52 -able,-ible Capable of

53 -ance Act of, state of

54 -fact- Do, make

55 -Geo- Earth

56 -struct- bulid

57 cred believe

58 -ic, -ish Characteristics of

59 epi Upon, in addition

60 mono one

61 eu well

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