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Racing Extinction Reflections

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Presentation on theme: "Racing Extinction Reflections"— Presentation transcript:

1 Racing Extinction Reflections
Bullet point list – causes of extinction Describe your gut feeling when the final credits for Racing Extinction began rolling. Did the film instill a sense of hope or despair within you? Discuss the phrase: art as activism. How are photojournalism and wildlife photography able to inspire and activate the public into action? In which ways is imagery more important than words?


3 A Brief History of Conservation
1972 – Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) 1973 – Endangered Species Act (ESA) 1976 – Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation & Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act) There had been a few Acts before the ESA, but this was the first to include plants, animals, vert/inverts.

4 Listing Factors 1. Habitat destruction
2. Overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes 3. Disease or predation 4. Lack of regulations 5. Other natural or manmade factors affecting the species' continued existence


6 Adopt an Endangered Species Project

7 Description of Project
Each year, organisms are added to the Endangered Species List for a variety of reasons. Organizations attempt to raise money for the conservation of these species by allowing people to “adopt” an organism of concern. Your task is to research a marine plant or animal currently on the ESL and create the packet that would be given to a potential donor.

8 Front of Paper Common Name Scientific Name Picture Draw it!

9 Species Spotlight Description of the animal & its habitat
*Type a minimum of one paragraph (made up of intelligent, well thought out and proofread sentences) per topic! Description of the animal & its habitat Physical characteristics Historically, where was this animal found? Where do you currently find it? Describe the organism’s habitat.

10 Continued… Diet What does it eat/how does it obtain energy?
What predators does it have? Describe a food chain involving this organism.

11 Continued… History How did this organism end up on the Endangered Species List? When was this organism listed on the ESA? Was it ever listed as threatened? Original numbers vs. current numbers What, if anything, is currently being done to increase the numbers of this organism? What specific organizations are involved?

12 Sources Minimum of 3 sources DO NOT PLAGIARIZE!!! MLA Format
Use quotations: According to Person X, “brilliant quote…”

13 Evaluation 35 points Cover – 10 points
Back (5 points/paragraph) – 15 points Sources – 6 points Creativity/Effort/Neatness – 5 points Due Tuesday!!

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