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Second Sudan Consortium Delivery and Challenges in Education

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1 Second Sudan Consortium Delivery and Challenges in Education
Government of Southern Sudan Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Second Sudan Consortium March 21, 2007 Juba, Southern Sudan Delivery and Challenges in Education Presented by Dr. Michael Milly Hussain Minister, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, GoSS

2 Ministry of Education Science and Technology, MoEST translating the Government’s vision for equitable development, poverty eradication, and core strategies into: overall goals of the MoEST --- to increase the Literacy and Numeracy Base of Southern Sudan population to Promote Development

3 Education sector shows positive trend:
Sudan Baseline 2003: GER 20% (By using estimated population and reported MoEST enrolment –figures) MoEST June 2006: GER 31.9% MoEST Nov 2006: GER 33,9%

4 Status end of 2006 enrolment in Southern Sudan
ACHIEVED end 2006: 850,000 TOTAL IN SCHOOL 2007 TARGET: 1.6 MILLION CHILDREN IN SCHOOL BY END-2007 (against wartime estimate of 343,000)

5 2007 EDUCATION SECTOR PRIORITIES (agreed by MoEST, 10 states MoEs, key community leaders, Youth representatives, parliamentarian in Rumbek March 1-3) In line with 2007 Education Policy, Strategic Plans and budgets, 2007 work-plans 1.Teachers and teachers education and training 2. School construction and rehabilitation 3. Capacity Building 4. Alternative Education System

6 March 2007 situation in basic service delivery -education
Low coverage Low quality of services Continued demand for strengthened Institutional capacity Limited GoSS budget- salary takes about 73%- space for new recruitment possible? Still low community participation - need to strengthen school communities involvement and participation in school-financial management. Accountability and ownership critical for results critical.

PROGRESS 3,600 teachers received various short training in English and Methodology. Fast Track TT started and on track Draft teacher training strategy in place in order to accelerate (in-service and pre-service) Certificates of Qualified returning teachers accepted Recruitment of teachers ongoing

PROGRESS Construction/rehabilitation of primary schools ongoing at 60 sites. Construction of 1 Sec/Sch in progress Rehabilitation progressing at the 3 universities School furniture for about 2,600 schools produced and in process of distribution

Strategic Planning and Project management Training for Education managers in key positions completed as well as training for admin support staff Linkages with other countries Skill Transfer program ( technical staff seconded and hired to work at MoEST and state MoEs) Expansion and renovation of MoEST HQ

PROGRESS AES teaching and learning materials developed. Additional 115 ALP centers opened-making total of 300 centers in operation. SPLA and other security organs educational strategies designed SPLA Education Coordination body established and working Literacy Campaigns started Interactive Radio Instruction - primary grades 1-3 broadcasts.

11 Overall challenges for Education
Demand for education is expanding rapidly, while the system struggle to meet the requirement (quality/no/retention of teachers, few education facilities, shortage of textbooks and materials) Urgent need to expand beyond primary education (pre-primary, secondary, AES, Voc/Tech and Tertiary) Capacity to manage and implement education projects difficult (logistics, communication, coordination, general cost-factor etc)

12 Challenges in Education cont’
The education sector’s Vision is: -full decentralization (roles/responsibilities at all levels, governance structure, bHR capacity, community participation…….etc) Contribution of civil society, role of the private sector? Insecurity special in rural areas Delay in De-mining---- accessibility Cultural/Behaviors attitudes- particularly for girls education

13 What are the strategic interventions needed to improve basic service delivery?
How can we approve the availability and accessibility of basic service facilities with special attention to the rural areas? What are the key actions for improving quality of basic service delivery? How can we take advantage of decentralization to improve basic service delivery? How can we promote greater collaboration and linkages between basic service factors? How can we introduce more transparency in the prioritization of needs, formulation and implementation of local government plans, budgets and timely payments and reports? How do we set and ensure minimum standards for basic service delivery?

14 Thoughts for discussions?
Thank you

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