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Phylum Cnidaria.

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Presentation on theme: "Phylum Cnidaria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phylum Cnidaria

2 Find the similarities….

3 Stinging tentacles surrounding circular mouth Radial symmetry
Soft Bodies Stinging tentacles surrounding circular mouth Radial symmetry Only one opening (mouth) Leads to GV cavity Most live in the sea

4 Compare the two shapes Polyp Medusa

5 Some interesting pictures…


7 Three Classes Class Hydrozoa: ex. Fire corals, Hydra,
Portuguese man-o-war The most diverse group Have dominant polyp OR medusa stage

8 Class Scyphozoa ex. True Jellyfish >200 species All marine
Free-swimming, dominant medusa stage

9 Class Anthozoa ex. Corals, sea anemones, sea pens
>2700 species (mostly marine) Alternate between polyp and medusa phase

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