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Vocab Words 6-10 Daniele Vest.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocab Words 6-10 Daniele Vest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocab Words 6-10 Daniele Vest

2 Recalcitrant ri-ˈkal-sə-trənt Adjective Recalcitrance, Recalcitrancy
Definition: stubbornly refusing to obey orders Sentence: Many of the recalcitrant students ignored the teacher’s command to sit down. GWTR: Mules are stubborn animals so they would be considered recalcitrant.

3 Profligate ˈpräfligət,-ləˌgāt Adjective Profligacy, Profligation
Definition: corrupt Sentence: Due to his profligate behavior, the man went from being a millionaire to broke in less than a year. GWTR: Think of someone that wins the lottery and runs to buy a new car before paying bills

4 Adventitious advenˈtiSHəs Adjective Adventitiously
Definition: happening or carried on according to chance rather than design; accidental Sentence: It was an adventitious event that the two cars would be turning into a lane at the same time and collide. GWTR: a person that is adventurous would do things that are adventitious, or at the spur of the moment

5 Assuage əˈswāj Verb Assuaged, Assuaging
Definition: to make something, such as an unpleasant feeling, less painful or severe; relieve Sentence: After coming home after curfew, the girl brought her mom her favorite chocolate to try to assuage the situation. GWTR: A bribery

6 Rhapsodic rap-ˈsä-dik Adjective Rhapsodically, Rhapsodical
Definition: enthusiastically praising Sentence: The woman became rhapsodic when her dead husband’s favorite song came on and was on the verge of tears. GWTR: Rhapsody is the name of a music downloader and music can put people into an emotional state

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