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“Don’t be afraid to give up the good for the great”

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Presentation on theme: "“Don’t be afraid to give up the good for the great”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Don’t be afraid to give up the good for the great”
-John D. Rockefeller

2 “The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time” -Henry Ford

3 “It always seems impossible. Until it is done”
-Nelson Mandela

4 “If you focus on results, you will never change,
If you focus on change you will get results” -Jack Dixon

5 XXX G.Q. Capital Advisors DATE Antoine Landriault Arbour
Presented to Mr. XXX and the B.O.D. on behalf of XXX XXX XXX G.Q. Capital Advisors DATE Antoine Landriault Arbour Javier Hernandez-Cotton Paul-Henri Grange

6 Introduction & Key Considerations
Analysis & Strategic Rationale Valuation & Financial Assessment Implementation Strategy

7 Mandate Introduction Analysis Valuation Implementation

8 Recommended Course of Action
Introduction Analysis Valuation Implementation

9 Introduction M&A Key Considerations: Acquirer Target Existing Bid
Analysis Valuation Implementation

10 Analysis & Strategic Rationale
Introduction & Key Considerations Analysis & Strategic Rationale Valuation & Financial Assessment Implementation Strategy

11 Value Drivers 123 Introduction Analysis Valuation Implementation

12 Nordstrom Consideration
Introduction Analysis Valuation Implementation

13 Business Considerations
Strategic Ideation Business Considerations Key Insight Introduction Analysis Valuation Implementation

14 Aim of Acquisition Strategy
Strategic Fit Our Concluding Rationale for The Acquisition: Aim of Acquisition Strategy Acquisition Thesis Introduction Analysis Valuation Implementation

15 Valuation & Financial Assessment
Introduction & Key Considerations Analysis & Strategic Rationale Valuation & Financial Assessment Implementation Strategy

16 Valuation Introduction Analysis Valuation Implementation

17 Implementation Strategy
Introduction & Key Considerations Analysis & Strategic Rationale Valuation & Financial Assessment Implementation Strategy

18 Alternatives Introduction Analysis Valuation Implementation

19 Alternatives Introduction Analysis Valuation Implementation

20 Recommended Course of Action
Introduction Analysis Valuation Implementation

21 Implementation Timeline
Introduction Analysis Valuation Implementation

22 Risk Assessment Risks Mitigations Contingencies Introduction Analysis
Valuation Implementation

23 Conclusion Introduction & Key Considerations
Analysis & Strategic Rationale Valuation & Financial Assessment Implementation Strategy

24 G.Q. Capital Advisors – Deal Tear Sheet
Context Thesis Strategy Deal Structure Financial Overview & Catalysts

25 Appendix 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7

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