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Promotion Exercise What 5 points can Charlotte (division VP) use to make the “business case” to Harry (dept head) for promoting Sam (VM tech) rather than.

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Presentation on theme: "Promotion Exercise What 5 points can Charlotte (division VP) use to make the “business case” to Harry (dept head) for promoting Sam (VM tech) rather than."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promotion Exercise What 5 points can Charlotte (division VP) use to make the “business case” to Harry (dept head) for promoting Sam (VM tech) rather than Edgar, (White tech)? What 3 things can contribute to “rank-and-file” technicians’ resistance to Sam’s promotion over Edgar’s? How can Harry overcome their resistance? Identify 3 organizational barriers (other than those identified above) that can hinder Sam’s development if he is promoted?

2 Questions to think about after reading Mattis
In addition to developing the business case, what other roles can Charlotte as a senior leader play to ensure Sam’s success? What 3 behaviours can Harry as a manager exhibit to ensure Sam’s success?

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