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Feeding the beast How to make the news.

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Presentation on theme: "Feeding the beast How to make the news."— Presentation transcript:

1 Feeding the beast How to make the news

2 What do journalists really want?
A story to excite their audience People and strong images Everything on a plate. No jargon or gibberish

3 What’s your message? Power of three Clinton v Trump? Remain v Brexit?

4 The three Ts…timing, targeting, tell a story
Holocaust Memorial Day Timing: phased approach Targeting: slice, dice, and package Tell a story: Visual, human, compelling

5 Multi-channel mayhem…24 hours a day
Disaster to deluge..changing times Twitter: the virtual press conference Devolved comms in a crisis Prepare for the long haul

6 When the sh..t hits the fan
Tragic accident: a case history What is the broad approach? What are the key messages? The three Ps.

7 In summary Keep it simple Tailor the message Manage the channels
Timing is everything

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