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Group 6 Brian Gale, Junior Guzman, and Matt Conte

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1 Group 6 Brian Gale, Junior Guzman, and Matt Conte
Germ Theory Group 6 Brian Gale, Junior Guzman, and Matt Conte

2 overview Explanation of Germ Theory Definition of Microbiology
Ignaz semmelweis and Louis pasteur amazing discoveries. Robert Koch's accomplishments Alexander Fleming's important discovery

3 What is Germ Theory? States that many sicknesses are caused by certain micro- organisms Gained acceptance in the mid 1800's BG

4 Importance Superseded previous contagion & miasma theories
Paved way for future medical breakthroughs in microbiology BG

5 Microbiology The study of Microorganisms
Science that deals with microscopic living things BG

6 Timeline Ignaz Semmelweis Louis Pasteur Robert Koch Alexander Fleming

7 IGNAZ SEMMELWEIS Born July, 1 1818 in Buda Was a Hungarian physician
Discovered importance  of handwashing JG

8 Known for disinfection in obstetrical clinics
Ignaz Semmelweis Known for disinfection in obstetrical clinics Got the name "savior of the mothers" Died in an insane asylum JG

9 Louis Pasteur Born December 22, 1822, dole France
Was a French biologist, microbiologist, and chemist JG

10 Discovered microorganisms cause fermentation and disease.
Louis Pasteur Discovered microorganisms cause fermentation and disease. Developed vaccines against anthrax and rabies. JG

11 One of the founders of Bacteriology and Microbiology
Robert KOch Was a German Physician  One of the founders of Bacteriology and Microbiology Main duty was to investigate the spread of infectious bacterial diseases Studied anthrax, tuberculosis, and cholera MC

12 Robert Koch Won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1905 for his contributes in physiology and medicine Volunteered as a military surgeon during the Franco-Prussian war Established a cause for infectious disease the rules were called Koch's Postulates Acquired a medical degree from the University of Gottingen MC

13 Alexander Fleming Was a physician-scientist Discovered penicillin
This discovery saved millions of lives using antibiotic agent During World War II he served in the Medical Army Corps as a Captain MC

14 Alexander Fleming In 1945 won a Nobel Peace Prize for the discovery of penicillin  Graduated from St Marys' Medical School in 1906 Published his discoveries on Penicillin in the British Experimental Pathology in 1929 MC

15 ABCs According to germ theory, Many sicknesses are caused by...
A: Bacteria B: Viruses C: Microorganisms D: Robert Koch C: Microorganisms BG

16 ABCs Microbiology is the study of...
A: Germs B: Microorganisms C: Ignaz Semmelweis D: Nerves B: Microorganisms BG

17 What was ignaz known for
a.) discovering fermentation b.) discovering if you wash your hands you are less likely to catch a disease c.) making vaccines for rabies d.) studying of how babies are born JG

18 What did louis Pasteur study
a.) he studied biology and microbiology in Italy b)  he studied chemistry microbiology and biologist in Paris France c.) he studied chemistry microbiology and biology in dole France d.) he studied only microbiology and biology in dole France jg

19 What disease did Robert Koch not study?
A) Anthrax B) Cholera C)Phenylketonuria (PKU) D) Tuberculosis C: Phenylketonuria (PKU) MC

20 What did Alexander Fleming discover?
A) Penicillin B) Flu Vaccine C) Cell Theory D) Organisms A: Penicillin MC

21 overview Explanation of Germ Theory Definition of Microbiology
Ignaz semmelweis and Louis pasteur amazing discoveries. Robert Koch's accomplishments Alexander Fleming's important discovery

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