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Islamic Timeline 570 M. born in Mecca

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1 Islamic Timeline 570 M. born in Mecca
610 M. receives 1st vision, begins preaching 622 M. leaves Mecca for Medina, becomes leader of the city through diplomacy 630 M. conquers Mecca, returns to Medina

2 Islamic Timeline 632 M. dies, from past poisoning? Abu Bakr elected first Caliph (Deputy, Successor), orders suras collected Caliphate = Islamic Church-State Empire Umar, 2nd Caliph conquers Iraq, some of Iran, N. Africa, Egypt, Israel… Uthman, 3rd Caliph, compiles Qur’an, destroys other versions

3 Islamic Timeline 656 Uthman assassinated, Ali becomes 4th Caliph ( ) Ali doesn’t find and punish Uthman’s assassins, Aisha, others, including Muawiyah rebell 661 Ali assassinated, cementing the Sunni/Shia rift.

4 The Bible vs. The Qur’an Composed over 1000+ years
Many cultural and historical settings, many authors Began as oral tradition, edited by scholars Composed over two decades Composed in two cities by one author Transcript of ecstatic visions of uneducated man, compiled by one man

5 The Bible vs. The Qur’an Many genres Chronological and topical order
Logical progression of ideas or themes Two genres: preaching and poetry Suras arranged longest to shortest Suras often jump from topic to topic

6 The Bible vs. The Qur’an Mostly 3rd person
Historically accurate, used by archeologists Mostly 1st person pl. (“We” = Allah) Historical inaccuracies and anachronisms

7 The Afterlife Like Christian picture but more literal, physical
Paradise features Streams and pools of water Lush gardens, birds Riches, luxury Doe-eyed virgin slave-girls (houris)

8 Paradise

9 The Afterlife Hell Firey torment Boiling water
Eat heads of demons or snakes Like Christian medieval view

10 The Five Pillars of Islam
1. The Shahadah: "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet." 2. Salat: Prayer towards Mecca 5x a day 3. Zakat (annual charitable tax on net worth) 4. Sawm: Fasting during Ramadan (Month in Muslim calendar)--no eating or drinking 5. Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca (at least once)



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