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The Five Finger Test Or how to tell if a book is just right for you.

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2 The Five Finger Test Or how to tell if a book is just right for you.

3 Open the book to the middle and choose a page to read.

4 Read the page. (aloud if possible)

5 Put out 1 finger for every word you do not know or cannot pronounce.

6 If you have 5 fingers out, the book is too difficult to read without help.

7 If you do not get any fingers up but are reading very slowly and struggling with words, you will not enjoy the book.

8 The five finger guide: 1 Finger: This book is o.k. for you.

9 The five finger guide: 2 Fingers: Still good.

10 3 fingers: Could be a bit hard for you to understand.

11 4 fingers: will be too difficult to understand.

12 5 fingers: Choose another book.

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