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Medieval theater Spencer Ingram.

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Presentation on theme: "Medieval theater Spencer Ingram."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medieval theater Spencer Ingram

2 Time period Medieval theater is said to have begun around 500 A.D, just after the fall of Rome It ended around 1500 A.D with the renaissance. Due to the extremely low literacy rate between 500 and 1200 A.D, very little remains of these plays

3 Genres of plays preformed
Almost all of the plays during this time period had religious themes. The most popular usually had to do with holiday related events such as Easter and Christmas.

4 Two specific plays One of the most popular plays of the time was called Everyman. It was a play about how good deeds earn you a good place in the next life. There was also a series of plays called the York mystery plays. These plays covered Christian “history” from creation to judgment day.

5 Vikings From the 8th to the 11th century, the Vikings ravaged Europe. They are the main reason why very few, if any, written texts especially from plays survived.

6 Pageant wagons Pageant wagons were carts that carried stages and props. These carts made it much easier for performers to put on plays in a wide variety or places.

7 Decline The decline of theater, especially mystery plays, was mostly due to the protestant reform. Most of the plays at the time had heavy Catholic influences which they sought to wipe out. In addition to this, the nobles and kings taste changed, they started preferring plays influenced by Roman and Greek culture rather than those with religious influences.

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