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Introduction and Purpose

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1 Introduction and Purpose
Air Improvement Resources Advisory Committee Meeting Alamo Area Council of Governments January 17, 2013

2 AIR Advisory Co. Meeting: Jan. 17
Background: Ozone Planning Role of the AIR Advisory Ozone Status: By the Numbers Ozone Status: Considerations Local EI/NA Boundary State SIP/Texas controls & transport Federal jurisdiction, controls & transport Ozone Advance Nonattainment vs. Attainment

3 The Air Improvement Resources Advisory Committee
Value In The Community Allow business and industry stakeholders affected by air quality (AQ) requirements to have a seat at the AQ policy planning table Including efforts to avoid a failure to comply Provide these stakeholders with information about possible impacts if the region fails to comply with federal ozone standards; if we’re declared “nonattainment”

4 History: Strong Commitment to Support for Innovation
Early Action Compact Signed in Requirements included: Early planning, implementation, and emission reductions leading to expeditious attainment and maintenance of the 8-hour ozone standard; Deferral of the effective date of nonattainment designation and related requirements; and Attainment not later than December 31, 2007. Early 2008: SA/AACOG region redesignated attainment

5 Strong Commitment to Partnerships
TXI Hunter and Capitol Cement AACOG worked w/ industrial consultants to gauge effectiveness/reduction totals TXI vol. lowered permitted lbs NOx/ton clinker for the existing/new kilns from 2.87/2.45 average (2004) to 1.95 cap Capitol shut down wet kiln on Dec. 15th, 2006, ozone season SNCR on dry kiln, April 2008 1.19 ppb. maximum 8-hour decrease, Capitol Lower NOx Pollution ~4.5 tons/day


7 Strong Commitment to Success and Recognition

8 Strong Commitment to Success and Recognition
Photo: Forrest Mims III June 13, 2007: Hon. Jay Millikin presents recognition award to Tom Spaits of Capitol Cement for SNCR implementation


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