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Literary Terms & Word Parts

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Presentation on theme: "Literary Terms & Word Parts"— Presentation transcript:

1 Literary Terms & Word Parts
“Fish Cheeks” Literary Terms & Word Parts

2 Biography The story of a person’s life written by someone else

3 Autobiography A story someone writes about his/her own life
Nonfiction #TrueStory

4 Tone Tone - The writer’s attitude toward what he/she is writing about
A writer’s tone is revealed through his/her word choices

5 Denotation Denotation- The dictionary definition; the literal meaning of a word The denotation of the word elderly is someone who is “rather old.” If you look up a word in the dictionary, you will find its denotation.

6 Connotation Connotation- The feelings and emotions associated with a word, usually positive or negative The word old has a more negative connotation than the word elderly. (Old = - / Elderly = +)

7 Word Parts: Bio = life (Example: Biology is the study of life.)
Auto = self (Example: If something is automatic, it runs itself.) Graph = Printed or Written (Example: If Justin Beiber gives you his autograph, you are getting a record of his personally written signature.)

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