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1. What service users and carers say about our services – the friends and family test

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2 1. What service users and carers say about our services – the friends and family test

3 Friends & Family: Positive Response (May 2017)

4 2. Staffing indicators Supervision, appraisal and sickness absence

5 Staffing: supervision (May),
appraisal (May) and sickness (Apr)

6 3. Statutory / Mandatory training rates

7 Stat / Man training (May 2017)

8 4. Bank & Agency usage

9 Agency

10 Agency

11 Substantive / bank / agency split (M2, 2017/18)

12 Staffing: establishment vs. actuals (WTE) - M2, 2017/18

13 Staffing: establishment vs. actuals (WTE) - M2, 2017/18

14 Staffing: establishment vs. actuals (WTE) - M2, 2017/18

15 5. Out of Trust bed usage

16 Out of Trust placements

17 6. Delayed Transfers of Care

18 Delayed Transfers of Care (DTOC)
-- Trend by type of bed (18th Mar to 17th Jun 2017)

19 Delayed Transfers of Care (DTOC)
-- Trend by reason (18th Mar to 17th Jun 2017)

20 7. NHS Improvement: compliance with operational performance metrics

21 NHSI: Compliance Dashboard (Month 2)

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