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V SuperB Workshop ENS May 9-11, 2007

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1 V SuperB Workshop ENS May 9-11, 2007
CONCLUSIONS Marcello A. Giorgi Università di Pisa and INFN Pisa V SuperB Workshop ENS May 9-11, 2007 Marcello A Giorgi

2 V workshop This has just come after the CDR effort, that was made possible by the contribution and dedication of more than 120 people (theorists, experimentalists and accelerator physicists ). The first day of workshop was devoted to the presentations related to CDR. Political aspects related to the Frascati and Villa Mondragone meetings of may 4. Marcello A Giorgi

3 A very interesting discussion yesterday at the two round tables.
Some synergy between ILC and SuperB on: Machine components Detector R&D However: The justification for SuperB is not based on Synergy with ILC ! SuperB should stand on its strong feet. Its fundation is the Physics case (with a Lumi threshold 1036 and a well definedtime window ) Marcello A Giorgi

4 From Petronzio contribution to the Round Table
The realization of a flavour facility in Europe belongs to the Cern Council particle physics roadmap. The forthcoming European strategy Commission of the Cern Council will be approached through ECFA to evaluate the European impact of the project. The project could contribute significantly to the preparation phase of the ILC through the development of damping rings and of polarised beams The project could benefit from in kind contributions from different laboratories Marcello A Giorgi

5 Machine issue for future
BINP will combine 2 codes (beam-beam and tracking) in order to have an overall optimization tool Check codes on benchmark lattice (MAD, SAD, Acceleraticum) LNF will provide a clean MAD deck Cross check codes on the high order and kinematic terms Checks on the problem of long sextupoles (BINP) Compensation of x3 term Dynamic aperture optimization with crab waist IR design with decreased chromaticity IR design with detector solenoid (From Pantaleo) (From Pantaleo) Continue the study for 2 IR Crab Waist tests Marcello A Giorgi

6 R&D Perspectives R&D will be funded at the local or regional level until there is a SuperB collaboration. Groups approach(ed) their funding agencies to get support for what they’re interested in. Nonetheless now that we have a CDR detector, coordination of activities is important: Identify the most important R&D issues Avoid duplication of effort Act together to ask for money Provide a structure for new activities or new groups F.Forti report Marcello A Giorgi

7 In the Agenda of Steering committee
CDR distribution Prepare Summary Document R&D coordination Updating Documents Repository SuperB Notes Software coordination Common tools Simulation group Outreach Next VI SuperB Workshop Steering Committee Meeting at 4.30 pm HERE! Marcello A Giorgi

8 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 J-PARC n, n construction J-PARC R&D J-PARC n, K experiment J-PARC n, m experiment upgrade Budget transfer PF upgrade PF Budget transfer ERL prototype ERL construction experiment KEKB ILC R&D ILC construction experiment Budget transfer Option 1 KEKB ILC R&D ILC construction experiment KEKB upgrade Budget transfer Option 1’ M.Yamauchi Marcello A Giorgi 8

9 Joint effort SuperB-SuperKEKB
Common assumption: there will be at most one Super B Factory built in the world. It is implicitly assumed that Western and Eastern SuperB’s will be merged into a single project in some future. We now have four options: (high current or low beta) x (KEK or Rome) None of the options should be thrown away at this point. Close communication is going on. Frequent visits and telephone meetings to exchange status report and ideas Joint meeting in Paris (i.e., this meeting), where support letter will be signed. Third joint workshop to be scheduled sometime in fall 2007(?). Joint detector R&D program will be arranged. M.Yamauchi SuperB Steering Committee will discuss these possibilities today. Marcello A Giorgi

10 From now on It is not time to relax.
Now we should start the real work if we want to match the time window for Physics. In the future we must look to the constitution of the Collaboration (based on principles of international partnership as it many times stated inside our community) and to the preparation of the TDR. Marcello A Giorgi

11 SuperB must be part of the race
Marie-Helene presentation Marcello A Giorgi

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