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Published byAlice Kendrick Modified over 10 years ago
Understanding Primary Assessment at Panaga School
Incl. Standardised Assessment Tests (SATs) at Panaga School International Stream Thursday 4th March 2010 Panaga School Parent Curriculum Information 3 - Assessment incl. SAT's/CH
External validation ‘Teachers know their children well. They keep a detailed record of assessment information about each child. This information is usually used well by teachers to set appropriately challenging targets for individual improvement.The report and analysis on assessment results for the International Stream is very good. Great strides have been made with the availability and consistency of the information about learning in the International stream.’ Panaga School Summary report Feb 2010. Panaga School Parent Curriculum Information 3 - Assessment incl. SAT's/CH
Aims of the presentation
To gain an overview of assessment at Panaga School To provide information on the Primary 3 (End of Key Stage 1) Standardised Assessments Test To provide information on the Primary 7 (End of Key Stage 2) Standardised Assessment Test Panaga School Parent Curriculum Information 3 - Assessment incl. SAT's/CH
Assessment in the Primary School
Summative Assessment of Learning Test or one off event to measure a child’s progress Formative Assessment for Learning ‘the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there’ Assessment Reform Group (2002) Panaga School Parent Curriculum Information 3 - Assessment incl. SAT's/CH
Illustration It’s good to tell her how high she has jumped.
(Assessment of Learning - Summative) It’s much better to recognise the height and help her to jump higher. (Assessment for Learning – Formative) Panaga School Parent Curriculum Information 3 - Assessment incl. SAT's/CH
Teacher Assessment Teacher Assessment is carried out as part of the teaching and learning in the classroom, using both formative and summative approaches Teacher Assessment takes into account evidence of achievement in a variety of contexts e.g. written, practical and oral work, classroom work, homework, weekly tests, discussions and observations etc. Teacher Assessment provides a rounded judgement that is based upon knowledge of how a child has performed over time and across a range of contexts.It takes into account strengths and weaknesses of a child's performance. Teacher Assessments are reported termly to parents, based on UK National Curriculum levels – the brick wall The Teacher Assessed National Curriculum levels are determined by level descriptors Panaga School Parent Curriculum Information 3 - Assessment incl. SAT's/CH
Maths 3B Level Descriptor
Read, write whole numbers to 1000 Multiply numbers by 10 or 100 Recognise multiples of 2,3,4,5 and 10. Begin to use decimal notation for money Begin to relate fractions to division Recognise simple fractions that are several parts of a whole Count back through zero Add and subtract mentally 2 digit numbers using known facts and place value Add and subtract numbers with 3 digits using written methods Use mental recall of the 2,3,4,5 and 10 multiplication tables and derive associated division facts Solve whole number problems involving multiplication and division, including remainders Panaga School Parent Curriculum Information 3 - Assessment incl. SAT's/CH
The Brick Wall Below Expectation Expectation Above Expectation
P5 1B P4 1C P3 Working towards level 1 P2 These Teacher Assessed Levels are related in your child’s report. The expectations brick wall is based on the expectations at the end of the academic year and relate to U.K. benchmarking data. Panaga School Parent Curriculum Information 3 - Assessment incl. SAT's/CH
Progress If a child isn’t making expected progress at the end of a term, they are closely monitored during the next term and extra support is put in place if progress isn’t at the expected rate. Children don’t all make the expected progress all the time. For example: In Primary 2, children make less significant progress following transition from Early Years, and oftern make good progress in Primary 3. In Primary 4, it is typical for children to make slower progress. In Primary 7, it is typical for children to make accelerated progress. Panaga School Parent Curriculum Information 3 - Assessment incl. SAT's/CH
SATs Standardised Assessment Tests (SATs) which all pupils take at the end of Key Stage 1 (Primary 3) and the end of Key Stage 2 (Primary 7) They provide a snapshot of attainment in English, Mathematics The tests take place week beginning 24th May 2010 Primary 7 tests are marked externally and reported in the end of year report Primary 3 tests are marked internally and form part of the end of year teacher assessment on the report Children are expected to achieve a Level 4 at the end of Key Stage two and Level 2 at Key Stage one Panaga School Parent Curriculum Information 3 - Assessment incl. SAT's/CH
Primary 3 SATs (Standardised Summative Assessment)
Children are assessed in Reading, Spelling, Writing and Maths SATs are marked in school by your child’s teacher The SATs support the end of year Teacher Assessments The end of year report takes into consideration the SAT assessment in the reported Teacher Assessment Samples of work (not the SATs) are sent to the UK for external moderation for Teacher Assessed levels Panaga School Parent Curriculum Information 3 - Assessment incl. SAT's/CH
SATs supporting Term 3 Teacher Assessment (TA)
TA based on work in Primary SAT Test/Task Are TA and task/test level the same? Yes No Final judgement Teacher Assessment Consider the following: Are the test results typical; Does this child tend to perform better orally than in written work; Is the teacher confident that the TA is based on a full range of evidence; How independent is the child’s class work; Has the child been given sufficient opportunity to show what they can do. No Yes Final judgement Teacher Assessment Final judgement test level. Is teacher confident that TA is best reflection of what a child can do? Panaga School Parent Curriculum Information 3 - Assessment incl. SAT's/CH
What can Primary 3 parents do at home?
Nothing ! Panaga School Parent Curriculum Information 3 - Assessment incl. SAT's/CH
Primary 7 SATs English Test There are three tests -writing test
-spelling test -reading test Writing test -Longer task -Handwriting is assessed as part of the longer task -Shorter task -Spelling test contains 20 words -Total of 50 marks Panaga School Parent Curriculum Information 3 - Assessment incl. SAT's/CH
-Only general instructions can be read -15 minutes reading time
Reading Test -Only general instructions can be read -15 minutes reading time -45 minutes to answer questions -Test can include a wide range of texts -Total of 50 marks Panaga School Parent Curriculum Information 3 - Assessment incl. SAT's/CH
- test A (non calculator) - test B (calculator) - mental arithmetic
The Mathematic Tests There are three tests: - test A (non calculator) - test B (calculator) - mental arithmetic Test A and B have 40 marks each Mental arithmetic has 20 marks Panaga School Parent Curriculum Information 3 - Assessment incl. SAT's/CH
Preparing for the tests in school
We are giving children opportunities to: work independently see the layout and design of previous years’ tests complete work in a given time learn test strategies i.e. what to do if they cannot answer a question, read a word Panaga School Parent Curriculum Information 3 - Assessment incl. SAT's/CH
Preparing for the tests at home
Ensure your child knows their times table and division facts and then extend this to 30 x 6, 420÷7 Improve their mental addition or subtraction skills by asking them questions on the way to school e.g Remember, this should be fun Test them on their spellings at home or on the way to school Improve their reading skills by -reading regularly if they need to become a more fluent reader -asking them questions about what they have read to improve their inference/deduction skills. They may be the best in the world at decoding, but they need to understand what they have read Panaga School Parent Curriculum Information 3 - Assessment incl. SAT's/CH
Primary 7 Parents Don’t panic!
During the test week please make sure your child: -gets enough sleep -eats breakfast -comes to school with a mid morning snack and water bottle -Is encouraged. The children may be worried without showing it. Encourage them to do their best ! Panaga School Parent Curriculum Information 3 - Assessment incl. SAT's/CH
Support during tests For some children the school is allowed to provide support, this decision to provide support is outlined in the test guidance. Support available: Reader Prompter Extra time Amanuensis Panaga School Parent Curriculum Information 3 - Assessment incl. SAT's/CH
SATs for Panaga School informing professional discussions with key partners (Parents, staff, School Board, Fieldwork Education Services, Stichting NOB, Shell Review Team) identifying pupils’ achievement and informing target setting monitoring the effectiveness of initiatives and strategies supporting the allocation of staffing and resources challenging the aspirations of staff, pupils and parents contributing valuable evidence towards the regular updating of the School Self Evaluation and School’s Strategic Plan. Panaga School Parent Curriculum Information 3 - Assessment incl. SAT's/CH
At Panaga School….. ‘We put the greatest emphasis on ensuring children are at the heart of their learning making sure they are really clear about where they are, what they need to improve and what they need to do to get to the next level.’ Craig Heaton, Head of International Stream, Panaga School Panaga School Parent Curriculum Information 3 - Assessment incl. SAT's/CH
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