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Reproduction and Development

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1 Reproduction and Development
TOPIC FOUR Reproduction and Development

2 1. Advantages: faster, easier
A. Asexual reproduction: a method of reproduction in which all the genes passed on to the offspring come from a single individual or parent 1. Advantages: faster, easier 2. Disadvantage: no variety. Offspring are the same as parent. Hydra budding

3 B. Sexual reproduction: a method of reproduction that involves two parents to produce offspring that are genetically different from either parent 1. Advantage: variety 2. Disadvantage: more time, effort and risk.

4 C. Mitosis: the process that divides the cell's nucleus into two, each with a complete set of genetic material from the parent cell 1. Asexual 2. One division produces two identical, diploid (2n) cells. 3. Chromosome number in the daughter cells is the same as in the parent cell. 4. Large organisms use mitosis for growth and healing. Simple organisms use it to reproduce.



7 D. Meiosis: the process that results in the production of sex cells (sperm and egg)
1. Sexual reproduction 2. One cell divides twice to make four DIFFERENT cells. 3. All 4 cells have half the number of chromosomes found in the parent cell. 4. Makes gametes (sex cells). In humans 4 sperm cells or 1 egg and three non functioning cells are produced each time meiosis occurs. 5. Separates pairs of homologous chromosomes so that offspring get one chromosome of each pair from a different parent.




11 Click on diagram to view animation
E. Fertilization occurs in the oviduct. A fertilized egg is called a zygote and has a normal number of chromosomes. Click on diagram to view animation

12 Click on the images below to compare Mitosis with Meiosis

13 F. The fetus develops in the uterus
F. The fetus develops in the uterus. Cells divide without becoming larger (cleavage). After a few days, cells begin to differentiate – that is they start to form different types of cells (nerve, skin, bone, etc). At this stage the embryo is very vulnerable to alcohol, drugs, etc because the important organs and systems are just starting to develop

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