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AYSO Area 5C Referee Admin Meeting July 9, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "AYSO Area 5C Referee Admin Meeting July 9, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 AYSO Area 5C Referee Admin Meeting July 9, 2017

2 Equidistant

3 Build Out Line When the goalkeeper has the ball, either during play (from an opponent) or for a goal kick, the opposing team must move behind the build out line until the ball is put into play. Once the opposing team is behind the build out line, the goalkeeper puts the ball in play. Fast restarts are allowed.

4 Build Out Line The 6-second time starts once opponents are behind the build out line. Once the ball is in play, the opposing team may cross the build out line 10U division only

5 Build Out Line FAQs Q. What is the call for attackers encroaching over the build out line? Misconduct if necessary (remember, this is 10U)

6 Build Out Line Offside AR moves from Goal Line to Build Out Line
Offside line stops at Build Out Line AR Halfway line

7 Goalkeeper Punting Applies to 12U – 9U
If the goalkeeper punts or drop kicks the ball, IFK is awarded at the spot of the offense, unless it is within the goal area.

8 Goalkeeper Punting In that case, it should be placed on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the nearest point to where the infringement occurred

9 8U changes All free kicks in 8U are indirect kicks
Throw-ins are replaced with kick-ins or dribble-ins at 6U and 8U No goal areas, so goal kick is placed near the goal area says opponents must be 10 FEET away for goal kicks, corner kicks, kick-ins, but 8 YARDS for kick offs. ??? Field has no center circle, goal area or penalty area marked.

10 Field & Goal Sizes Division New Field Size (yds) New Goal Size (ft)
5U/6U 25x15 – 35x25 4x6 8U 10U 60x35 – 65x45 6.5x18 12U 70x45 – 80x55 6.5x18 (7x21 OK) 14U-19U 100x50 – 130x100 8x24

11 Minimum Players to Play
For non-tournament play, teams should play a game if at all possible. Minimum number of players to play: 10U – 5 12U – 6 14-19U – 7

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