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Presentation on theme: "REACTION ESSAYS 반응 에세이."— Presentation transcript:


2 My reaction when...

3 My reaction when...

4 My reaction when...

5 My reaction when...

6 My reaction when...

7 Food tasting reactions...
Americans try Australian snacks: Americans try Asian special foods:

8 What is your reaction to...
What do you feel? What are your emotions/ 감정? How strongly/ weakly do you feel those things? What else does “it” (the stimulus/자극) make you think about/ remember? Why do you feel/ remember/ react like that? Do you think all/ most/ many/ a few other people would react/ feel/ think the same way?

9 Feeling Words (adjectives)
Happy Cheerful/ Glad/ Joyous/delighted/ elated/ ecstatic/ jubilant Sad down/ blue/ gloomy/ dejected/ despondent/ mournful Angry indignant/ irate/ cross/ mad as Hell/ enraged/ furious Hungry peckish/ starved/ ravenous/ famished Upset dismayed/ bothered/ put-out/ distressed/ grieved Tired drained/ fatigued/ exhausted/ dog-tired/ dead-beat Nervous skittish/ jumpy/ on-edge/ stressed-out/ hysterical Interested attracted/ drawn/ enticed/ obsessed/ fascinated

10 Happy - over the moon/ happy as Larry/ on cloud 9/ stoked as!
Idioms/ 속담 Happy - over the moon/ happy as Larry/ on cloud 9/ stoked as! Sad - down in the dumps/ Angry - mad as a cut snake/ one’s blood was boiling/ explode Hungry - could eat a horse/ starving to death/ Upset - Tired - running on empty/ hit the wall/ Nervous - have butterflies in one’s stomach/ Interested -

11 Feeling reactions (adverbs)
It makes me feel a bit/ a little/ a little bit somewhat/ kind of/ sort of/ rather pretty/ very/ really extremely/ exceedingly/ overwhelmingly completely/ utterly/ thoroughly

12 Memory reactions It reminds me of… It brings to mind.... When I see …, suddenly memories of….come racing back. When I see...I can’t help but think of/ remember...

13 Describe the stimulus/자극 Summarize the stimulus/자극 Give facts /실 Then:
Unity/ 통일 First: Describe the stimulus/자극 Summarize the stimulus/자극 Give facts /실 Then: List your actual reactions/ feelings/ memories etc Each feeling/ memory/ reaction can be a body paragraph, and it can be the topic sentence key point too!

14 Symbolism/ 상징주의/ I think the...symbolizes…
I think the word “black” symbolizes evil and badness I feel that …. stands for…. I feel that her red hair stands for murder and blood It seems that (maybe) ….represents… It seems that the fast music represents action & thrills

15 What’s your reaction to...

16 What’s your reaction to...

17 What’s your reaction to...
music video/ preview

18 What’s your reaction to...
MOVIE TEASER What Emotions/ Feelings did you get? What Adjectives describe the clip? What do things symbolize? ...의상지이다/...

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