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Student Tennis Network 2019

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1 Student Tennis Network 2019

2 Student Tennis Network …
“ … a new programme designed to act as a catalyst for British Tennis’ future workforce”

3 2018 Pilot Year Quotes … “I want a career in this sport and I saw it as a good opportunity to professionalise myself, and to meet people who already work within the industry,” "They were very helpful, they both spoke about their path into the role and that became almost crystal clear... so the journeys they took to get where they are I think have shaped their experiences and proved their skillsets, and it was those skillsets I was interested in.“ "I didn’t even know that I completely undersell myself. So, like, someone says, “Oh, tell me about some of the stuff you do,” I’d go into a brief three, four word answer about it instead of going into detail, and then when it comes to reviewing everything they were like, “Why didn’t you go into more detail about it, that’s actually really good?”" "I learnt what skills he’d picked up along the way, and the fact that he’d got several significant mentors throughout his career, so he had different coaches who he coached alongside and who gave him support as he went through, so that was something that was quite useful to know in that if you’ve got people around you that are going to help you, use them and really learn from them."

4 2018 continued …

5 2019 Opportunity … Opportunity to engage with various British Tennis employees, and gain insights into their roles Mentoring phone calls 3 x year Opportunity to develop your own employability skills through CV building training and completing an agreed tennis project Skill Development Workshops Opportunity to develop and lead on a project to develop your skills International trips for selected individuals to France Potential work placement opportunities within British Tennis An opportunity to network with other students in a similar position to you

6 My Training Diary … On my training diary, 4 sections with a couple of tasks per section; Career Development Skill Development Work Development Evaluation

7 Next Steps … Action Dates Launch at University Training 6th September
You will receive the application form and attached info, please share this in your university tennis clubs Week commencing 10th September Applications Close 28th September Students informed if on the programme Week commencing 15th October Programme Launches December 2018

8 Quote from LTA colleague …
“I think it is an excellent opportunity for students to gain experience from relevant people in the industry they wish to work in. If it was around when I was younger I would have loved to be part of the programme.”

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