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OCTOBER 29, 2014 English 3690.

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Presentation on theme: "OCTOBER 29, 2014 English 3690."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCTOBER 29, 2014 English 3690

2 Warm up: Writing to Text
Can we do it? How will students do? Use the packet on your table- Read the two texts Respond as prompted These will be shared at your table and then collected

3 The big 3 of the Common Core
Argumentative Narrative Informative Compare contrast Cause and effect Sequence or order Description Problem solution

4 Resources

5 Writing Assignment for Response Group next week
Argumentative Check the Common Core Use a Rubric that you find online Turn in your writing and your rubric Should English 3690 be a required course for all students?

6 Grades: Class participation- being here or writing a summary
Bringing in Response group papers Handing in assigned paper Blogging on time or doing make up blogs Sharing and creating a mentor text project Teaching a Wondrous Words lesson Presenting your research Presenting your book with your group Completing the Final paper which includes: Lesson plan for mentor text Mini lessons for mentor text Assessing student work Connections paper on writing instruction and your learning

7 Check your progress report

8 Understanding the Final

9 Lesson Plan Formats Prerequisites Objectives I can statements
Common core State Standards Materials Activating Prior Knowledge building background Lesson steps with structures for engagement Differentiation Formative assessment

10 Lesson Plan What do you want them to know or do in the area of writing? What are they learning about writing? How are you teaching them? How are you breaking the assignment down? How will you know if they can do it?

11 Mentor Text Lesson Plans
Use the text to teach author technique Use the text to teach craft Use the text to teach a writing trait Use the text to recognize the author's purpose, audience, and format

12 Mentor Text Mini Lessons
Write the title and other book information Give a summary of what writing skill, strategy, technique, or part of the process could be taught and how for each trait

13 Connections/ Learning/Reflection
How did this class effect your knowledge of teaching writing? How did this class impact your philosophy of good instruction? How did this class build your understanding of what a writing class should consist of each day? Six + one writing traits, mentor text, modeling, the writing process, conferences and response groups

14 Assessing Student Writing
Using the rubric assess the papers as a group Be prepared to share out how you graded it How the process of grading it felt

15 Text Rendering of Revision book Chapters 1-2-3
What was most important to you? What can you use in your own teaching? Read Chapters for next week

16 Chapter 8 Wondrous Words
Sandra will present

17 Mentor Text Sharing Sentence Fluency
Be sure to share at least 2 books before 11/12/14

18 Research : Sandra Handout and/ or visual representation 3 sources
Engaging us in discussion, reading, writing about the topic

19 Notebook Know How Lexie, Elizabeth, Kelsey, and Sarah
Engage us in talking, writing, reading Provide a handout Every person in the team has a piece of the work Hand in a reflection of the process, the book, and what your part was in the presentation (2 pages typed)

20 Planning for next week Allison and Celeste will teach Wondrous words 9- 10 Shelley, Sandra, Bethany, and Emily M will present Notebook Know How Allison, Adam, Tori, and Lottie will present their research Everyone will have an argumentative paper at least 2 pages for response group Read chapters of Revision book

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