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Welcome to 4th Grade Mrs. Schoeb & Mrs. Denman.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 4th Grade Mrs. Schoeb & Mrs. Denman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 4th Grade Mrs. Schoeb & Mrs. Denman

2 Review of Handouts PPT of Open House
FERPA Information (signature required) PG Movie Permission Slip (signature required)

3 volunteers-and-ferpa
Cobb County Schools is requiring every parent volunteer to watch a brief video on FERPA and to sign off that they understand and will uphold the responsibilities outlined in FERPA. volunteers-and-ferpa

4 Review of Handouts con’t
Please complete the following form: FERPA Information Form PG Movie Permission Form Please LEAVE these items with us. 

5 Communication Notes Send notes in Red Folder or you can write a short note in their agenda Our Classroom Blog ( Homework and other important information will be posted Helpful Links s

6 What does the PTA do? What can I do for the PTA?
$25,000 in stipends to teachers/year 3,000 volunteer hours/year 4 Family Engagement Nights Community Outreach Character Education Visiting Author Reflections and MUCH MORE!!!!! What can I do for the PTA? Volunteer Participate in Read-a-Thon (August 21st – August 25th) Visit us at

7 Please support our Foundation during the Patron Drive
Please support our Foundation during the Patron Drive! Your donation impacts every student every day

8 Our Daily Schedule 7:15-7:45 Morning routine 8:00-8:45 Specials
8:50-10:00 Reading 10:05-11: Math 11:05-11:25 Recess 11:30-12:30 ELA 12:30-1: Lunch 1:15-1: S.S. or Science 2: Dismissal Begins

9 Class Management Name in the Bucket For good behavior
Draw name on Friday Class Race (Paying attention and staying on-task) Lunch in the classroom on Mondays Mini Economy Classroom money Sticks Move stick for not following procedures Mark in their Behavior log

10 Our Mini-Economy How to earn money FINES
Pass an A.R. test on your reading level $1.00 Homework turned in all week $5.00 Random acts of kindness caught! $1.00 or more Birthday Payday – weekly $10.00 FINES Not following class rules $1.00 or more Not turning in homework $1.00 Not making transportation choice Not making lunch choice No name on paper Not returning Thursday behavior sheet signed by Friday

11 Agenda Students are continuing to use a daily agenda in 4th grade. They are responsible for recording homework, notes and important dates. Please help your child develop this important study skill by looking over the agenda with him/her and initialing it daily. Parent Signature on bottom each day except Fridays.

12 Routines Agenda Behavior Chart sent home on Thursday
Signed then returned on Friday Red folder Goes home and returned to school daily Notes and homework Snack – we don’t have a scheduled time but please make it a healthy snack.

13 Flexible Seating Reason Helps students make choices independently and feel empowered Classroom environment is conducive to open collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking. Helps students become more self-aware of what types of seating and environment helps them learn best. Destination Room - A place where students wake up each morning thinking and saying we GET to go there, not we HAVE to go In this environment, students are engaged, behavior issues are minimal, and learning is happening! 

14 BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
Students will be allowed to BYOD daily. BYOD information sheets went home Wednesday. CCSD form and BYOD Behavior Contract MUST be turned in order for the student to bring their device. Parent Controls must be turned off for the first day to install CCSD certification. iPads, mini iPads, Chromebooks and laptops are the devices they may bring in. Other tablets are not compatible with the school network. If your child brings in an iPad or mini, it is best to get them a keyboard.

15 Language Arts Readers and Writers Workshop model
Students should be reading texts they can read independently, with at least 96% fluency, accuracy, and comprehension Research that shows that kids need to read A LOT of texts therefore students are given at least 30 minutes daily to read independently. Homework: Read 30 minutes (M-Th) Reading Journal: They will write in it 2 times a week. Sometimes they will have a sheet glued in that will guide what they will write. They MUST write the DATE and HW for homework.

16 Math Math Fluency (multiplication & division) is VERY important! Fluency 80% in 5 minutes. Whole Numbers, Place Value and Rounding in Computation Multiplication & Division of Whole Numbers Fractions – Equivalent, Operations, Simplifying Decimals Geometry (lines, angles, 2-D figures, Symmetry) Measurement

17 Social Studies Economics Civil War Map and Globe Skills Reconstruction
American Revolution Constitution Westward Expansion Reform Movements

18 Science with Mrs. Jankovich
Scientific Method Ecosystems Force & Motion Water & Weather Light & Sound Space Questions:

19 Report Card Real Grades A = 90 – 100 B = 80 – 89 C = 75 – 79
F = 69 or below Homework completion is recorded and is reflected on the report card under work/study habits.

20 What Is a School Counselor?
Biweekly lessons focusing on academics, career, and personal and social development Small groups for skill building and support Individual meetings by student self-referral or teacher/parent request Who are my counselors? Mrs. Rees, school counselor Mrs. Peskin, school counseling intern

21 Birthday Treats Yes, we love them! If your child has an allergy that impacts class treats and you haven’t spoken to us, PLEASE let us know. Please have any treats already sliced or individual portions. Mostly served during Lunch

22 School Procedures Tardy – after 7:45
If they have a Dr. Appt. before school, must bring in Dr. Note when checking them in for an EXCUSED tardy. Absence Absent & NOT taken to the doctor - Send in a note, preferably the MT. BETHEL ELEMENTARY ABSENCE/TARDY EXCUSE form. Absent & taken to the doctor – please send in a doctor’s note. The front office must have a note within 3 days of returning to school. This is a NEW policy.

23 School Procedures Cont.
Dismissal & Transportation All transportation changes must be made in WRITING on our Transportation Change/Bus Pass form and be approved in the front office before 10:00 am.  NO GUEST BUS RIDERS will be approved until AFTER LABOR DAY.  ONLY transportation change we can take over the phone is to change to ASP. If you need to check your child out early, please do so prior to 1:45 pm.  We CANNOT accept as a way to change transportation.

24 School Procedures Cont.
Classroom Deliveries School delivery occurs daily at 10:00 am.  Items worthy of delivery are lunches, eye glasses and birthday treats.  Please help your student practice the LIFESKILL of RESPONSIBILITY and accept the natural consequence if they forget a water bottle or homework. Lunch We ask for guest diners to wait until after Labor Day to visit.  Guest lunches are $3.50.  Guests take their child to the parent table.  Fast food is not allowed.

25 School Procedures Cont.
Please label items – particularly jackets, water bottles, lunch boxes, etc. We try hard to minimize our Lost and Found, and can do so with support of labeling items. Lost and Found has been moved to outside near the front door The students will not be able to check on lost items as easily.

26 Don’t forget… * FERPA Information Form
* PG Movie Permission Form Please leave these items with us. 

27 Thank you for coming to Back to School Night!

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