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9th Lit Vocabulary Tone Words Week 1.

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1 9th Lit Vocabulary Tone Words Week 1

2 Bitter “People can be more forgiving than you can imagine. But you have to forgive yourself. Let go of what’s bitter and move on.” – Bill Cosby

3 Bitter Definition: adj. – harsh or corrosive

4 Laudatory “They can be informative or even sound positive, but not overly laudatory.” – Yeo Yang Poh

5 Laudatory Definition: adj. – full of or giving praise

6 Condescending “For success in training children the first condition is to become as a child oneself, but this means no assumed childishness, no condescending baby-talk that the child immediately sees through and deeply abhors.” – Ellen Key

7 Condescending Definition: adj. – arrogant, superior

8 Compassionate “A kind and compassionate act is often its own reward.” – William Bennett

9 Compassionate Definition: adj. – empathetic; understanding of someone’s situation, particularly misfortune

10 Didactic “There is poetry even in prose, in all the great prose which is not merely utilitarian or didactic.” – Eugenio Montale

11 Didactic Definition: adj. – instructive, educating

12 Disdainful “Often our survival had depended on the accurate reading of a white man’s chuckle or the disdainful wave of a white woman’s hand.” – Maya Angelou

13 Disdainful Definition: adj. – scornful, contemptuous

14 Impassive “Behind this face that appears so impassive Hell’s tides continually run.” – Walt Whitman

15 Impassive Definition: adj. – without feeling

16 Apprehensive “I can feel guilty about the past, apprehensive about the future, but only in the present can I act.” – Abraham Maslow

17 Apprehensive Definition: adj. – uneasy, fearful

18 Nostalgic “With Google I’m starting to burn out on knowing the answer to everything. People in the year 2020 are going to be nostalgic for the sensation of feeling clueless.” – Doug Coupland

19 Nostalgic Definition: adj. – longing, yearning for the past

20 Contentious “Long stormy spring-time, wet contentious April, winter chilling the lap of every May; but at length the season of summer does come.” – Thomas Carlyle

21 Contentious Definition: adj. – assertive, quarrelsome

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